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  • webstj
    Mazeppa, MN
    Posts: 535

    My house overlooks both North and
    Mudhen, seems to be the same boat out there a few nights a week. Fairly nice looking rig lit up like a Xmas tree, and rarely have I seen any other rigs so it seems to be one common fisherman would be my best guess… I always assumed it was a guide but who knows🤔

    Mazeppa, MN
    Posts: 535

    Yep, now I remember why I dont post here anymore…Miss the days when this site was worth a poop..

    Mazeppa, MN
    Posts: 535

    Can someone tell me if St. Croix is open to catch and release Sturgeon? MN regs say 6/14 and WI regs say 9/1. Would like to try something different for a change and wondering if I need to wait until 9/1?

    Mazeppa, MN
    Posts: 535

    Any results yet?

    Mazeppa, MN
    Posts: 535

    Looks post spawn to me, her egg dropper is exploded out. At 52 degree water, if her eggs are mature she will let em go. Earlier then normal but plenty warm enough water and an early full moon as well if you believe in that theory. i think we will see a lot of post spawn by weeks end..

    Mazeppa, MN
    Posts: 535

    I assume the only interest would be from others who already have the setup ready to go from other generation or smaller units as with the discounted prices now, to buy the items separately would cost prohibitive..I would just discount off the store price For those that dont need all the extra stuff. I will post to see what happens. I have some misc NEMA items that I would throw in if needed.

    $2250 comes with bracket, head cover and manual.

    Mazeppa, MN
    Posts: 535

    Was never meant to be arrogant Vikefan. I dont own one acre of the private land I hunt. The point was the land is great hunting because of the tremendous pressure on Whitewater. I was only objecting to the sampling that was used against APR. In fact, I hunt on a piece of public land in Mower county that is fabulous deer hunting, under hunted and equal or better to the private land I hunt on both sides of it. I would share this info with anyone interested and serious about herd management, and yes that piece needs some does removed badly. I also hunt a piece of private land in Fillmore county and the neighboring property (private land) allows any person who asks to hunt on his 300 acres, he offers a slip with permission and multiple parties hunt it effectively. Not meant to be condescending in any way, just pointing out objectives to a biased sample.

    Lastly, I have been a member of IDO since 2001 when there were less than 200 people that had ever visited the site and it was an info sharing site. I have never ever attempted to offend anyone but somehow, the conversation the last few years has always had to lead to the right and wrong and its worse then reading the comments at the bottom of a Yahoo article, yet nobody asks around for a good hunting spot or blames the private landowner for no permission granted when they havent spent the previous 9 months researching the options that are available.

    SLACK if you want some good public opportunties and a few private parties to ask permission let me know. I envy you for having the drive to spend the last few years on that property.

    This will be my official last post all as an IDO Member Was nice to hunt, fish with and to meet some of you!

    Mazeppa, MN
    Posts: 535

    I would counter you Slack and say that I hunt RIGHT next to you. I absolutely object to APR being the reason for your decreased sightings. We have on private grounds maintained an easy 3-4:1 doe to buck ratio and believe me we shoot does for every tag available. I monitor 1700+ acres on a daily basis amongst 25 or landowners and your results I can assure you with much better knowledge and reporting of the area (including Whitewater) than you than I suspect you have, that you are witnessing hunter pressure. The pressure has always been there but it is at high levels now (no thanks to lesser amounts of public land) but also severely reduced Set aside acreage immediately adjacent, and so forth.

    The fawn ratio this year in the immediate area was spectacular this year, as well as a much needed trend of decreasing coyotes finally. (The rabbits are finally coming back!)

    Lastly, Whitewater is highly depended on ACORNS exactly as is the case on the property I hunt and believe me we went from a normal wintering herd of 150 deer to 25 last year. They are sliwly moving back in but the facts are, your deer are not gone. They are displaced unpropotionately for many reasons and it has very little to do with APR in the 4 short years it has been around.

    Lastly, dont forget that the majority opposed to APR argue the special interest of trophy buck hunters as the number one advocates when the reality is it is just one effect of the APR design goal. The other design goal is to sustain a manageable size herd of multiple year classes. If you dont believe this goal fits in the most populated per capita hunter area in SE MN then you are missing the boat of the entire APR design.

    Mazeppa, MN
    Posts: 535

    Thanks guys, I guess it hadnt dawned on me that the sheriff is the guy to get something done. I will start there!

    Mazeppa, MN
    Posts: 535

    Moonrise App is a must!! Tells you Sunrise/Sunset, Moonrise/Moonset and Moon Phase. Helped me with Muskie Fishing and now its great for deer hunting.

    Mazeppa, MN
    Posts: 535


    Did anybody see an uptick of deer movement on the 14 or 15th of OCT? I just checked the cams today and big bucks who had no reason moving during the middle of the day were cruising around Not like 6:55am, more like 10:30am and 4pm. Multiple cameras different deer, not spooked going about their business.

    A slow Monday in the tree. Talked to a buddy and he said movement was slow again tonight.

    I would guess this was because we were slow close to full moon. We see a lot of deer movement midday on our cameras on bright moons. My theory is that they feed much later than dusk and then midday. I have bad evening sits on a bright moon. Just a hypothesis.

    Mazeppa, MN
    Posts: 535

    My buddy has a pic of a lost buck the very next day after he shot on trail camera, hit high on a steep angle 5″ right and 2″ from top of spine on entrance and exit opposite side just below the ticker. Arrow is still in deer on camera and he is walking. Never seen again until next year when he is on camera multiple time with nothing but hairless scars on both sides and perfectly healthy. Dont ask me how but this buck had all kinds of no mans land. Very amazing pics to say the least. I will see if I can get a hold of them.

    However, the typical area is below spine and above lungs. The lungs actually are lower in the cavity towards the front of the deer so there is some “dead space” above the lungs, albeit only an inch or two and it contains connective tissue that helps suspend the lungs and has non lethal blood vessels and usually in front of the tenderloins. You will feel the area quite well if you pay attention when pulling out your next gut pile.

    Mazeppa, MN
    Posts: 535

    This may sound like an oxymoron but its related to scent control for your breath and Im convinced your breath is 50% of your entire scent control effect. It began when I was a young uneducated hunter and we discussed whether we should spit our chew on the ground or in a bottle. I told my buddies I had rarely sent deer packing and for the very reason I was spitting, deer would often come very close and smell the ground below me. I chewed MINT skoal back then. I would never advertise that it attracts deer but it had a certain curiosity effect. Well, since then (15yrs ago) until now I have switched to a much worse brand and trust me the effect is not the same and it was obvious when deer came directly below me.

    It did however, develop a scent control method that is one of my most important to me and a much better habit. I always carry mint lifesavers in my pocket. I always put one in mouth when I get to stand first thing and every few hours on a long sit. I firmly believe Mint is calming and natural similar to the Vanilla in Nose Jammer. I have has great success with downwind deer for a number of years and I know at least one thing, deer would rather smell mint breath then any other breath I have haunted them with.

    Mazeppa, MN
    Posts: 535

    I second the new Moultrie 990i. For a black covert it has the best pics I have seen (much better than my Bushnell HD Black), super easy to use, great battery life and better than average trigger speed and very durable. Moultrie is slowly but surely making a strong comeback. If they had a 1/2 second trigger speed they would be alone in 2nd place in my opinion but tied for 3rd with many because of that. Pick your poison then pic the cam as I have 16 cameras out of all brands. Reconyx #1 for everything, Bushnell #2 for trigger speed, Moultrie #2 for overall pic quality and durability has been my experience.

    FYI, got my last 2 990i’s for $148 on a popular website.

    Mazeppa, MN
    Posts: 535

    I own that exact same planter. Planted 14 acres with it last year, both corn and beans. You will love it!!

    Mazeppa, MN
    Posts: 535

    Bob can you give us some specs on the beans please or if they are something you were using in the past, a previous post would help also.


    Mazeppa, MN
    Posts: 535

    I have a great map made up in Google Earth. The key is to actually build the map using Google Maps and then save it as a kml or kmz file. Then you can utilize the features that Google maps has.

    Mazeppa, MN
    Posts: 535

    Year after year, you keep getting it done. Good Job!

    Mazeppa, MN
    Posts: 535

    Greta Buck

    Mazeppa, MN
    Posts: 535

    I have so many stories I may just wait until the end of the season when we are all bored and write a season recap. I just dont have the time to say all that I want to say. Its a good feeling to be too busy hunting to sit down and tell the story.

    Wifey narrowly missed a booner on Saturday, had she killed it she would have to hang the bow up for good as we dont have money for her taxidermy bills anymore. (P.S. That isnt my wife in the pic.) She and I still have our tags and on a side note, both Angela (the girl in the pic) and Melissa are no longer given any special treatment as we will no longer fall for the “I’m a rookie”, “ladies first”, blah, blah. Time to be one of the boys and draw the short straws with the rest of us. Where’s my buck…

    Mazeppa, MN
    Posts: 535

    Busy squirrel or is it a Greedy squirrel…

    Mazeppa, MN
    Posts: 535

    And T’s 7×7…. 3 for 3 on the bull tags and all were 310″ or bigger. Not too bad for a DYI hunt. We have 5 hunters soar in the legs and soar from smiling!

    Mazeppa, MN
    Posts: 535

    Ok, here is another sneak peek of Melissa’s bull.

    Mazeppa, MN
    Posts: 535

    I’m living mine as I type. I never thought I would pick Montana Archery Elk but this week has been one for the record books. Not only have I tagged a great one but the rest of my family is living the hunt as well and there are not too many tags left!

    I guess I will have to get home and dream up a new hunt. Archery Yukon Moose perhaps…

    Mazeppa, MN
    Posts: 535

    Sneak Peek, and this is not the only one down!

    Mazeppa, MN
    Posts: 535

    No i am not tagged out yet but the first 2 days have been unbelievable! I have passed on 4 bulls so far and seeing some giants so I hope its just a matter of time.

    Mazeppa, MN
    Posts: 535

    Guys- Is there a law against calling for another hunter if one has tagged their animal (assuming he is not possessing a weapon)? I cannot find the regulation that says you cant…

    Mazeppa, MN
    Posts: 535

    Team 1 will take 5 please…

    Mazeppa, MN
    Posts: 535

    Here is a follow up pic to that one. Dont know the details though but 2 bucks of this caliber has me suspicious.

    Mazeppa, MN
    Posts: 535

    Thanks, I may call Nicks and see if they would arrange an after hours delivery. Right on the way for a convenient drop off from tired hunters..Maybe jinxing ourselves by planning ahead but we did well last trip out so expectations are rampant! 15 days and counting…

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