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  • Hoyt4
    Posts: 1164

    Heard the bite has been pretty hot on Tonka for crappies. With biggens being caught.

    Posts: 1164

    Been a busy start to the season. Took my dad to a new chunk of land season A and he was able to harvest his MN bird. Then he had WI B season and took a nice bird opening morning.

    I was finally able to get out season B and took a bird Thursday evening. Had a bird coming in from my off side silent but I could hear him walking. He got in to a few feet but on the side I could not shoot through a blow down limb. Then some sneaky Jakes got in ran past me a few feet and beat the single bird up and chase him out. I was able to take one those bully jakes and punch out my MN tag. My hide was pretty dang good and these birds got nice and close.

    Now take a few more people out and then head to WI for my last hunts of the season for me.

    Congrats to all that had success so far this spring.

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    Posts: 1164

    AWesome congrats on the birds they are hooked for life now.

    Posts: 1164

    I’ll be working on food plots cutting trees and bringing out kids turkey hunting.

    Posts: 1164

    Awesome Jeremy congrats to your daughter and who cares Jake or Tom never worry about that.

    Posts: 1164

    Gun or bow it’s a great spring sport. I’ve harvested with bow and shotgun I do not really care which way I hunt. I have a week of archery hunt only in NE to always start the spring. Different strokes for different folks. I just prefer to have them in close to see all the show gun or bow.

    This is one of the best sports I think for introducing kids and non-hunters. If these things could smell better you would really have a hard time getting one. Just be safe and have fun. I know too many people who have been shot more than I should know public and private.

    Use turkey vest to haul your bird out private or public pull the orange fabric out also. We use orange HS strut turkey bags every time as we take our birds out.

    Have fun it all starts Wednesday. )

    Posts: 1164

    Everything is looking great for MN and WI right now for the start of our season’s next week. Weather is always a factor so i never really let that affect me hunting. I will be taking a buddy out with his son next week dad will be the hunter but the son wants to go be there for the hunt. Think next year he will pull the trigger on a thunder chicken.
    The very last season i’m taking out two kids new to hunting. This sprint should be a blast and a lot of new experiences. I was asked to mentor the Women for outdoor hunt but could not make the weekend work out. I will be in WI fishing opener that weekend if we did not need my boat I would probably back out of the fishing :). That would be a blast archery only hunt for them.

    Hope everyone has a great successful season and safe.

    Posts: 1164

    I think he would contend a lot more if he took the cart he would be allowed but chooses not to use one. I’m a fan either way it’s better with him there contending or not.

    Posts: 1164

    Picked up a 25 last night on sale.

    Posts: 1164

    Love president reels, on all my ice fishing rods and most open water rods.Actually was going to pick up a couple this week they are on sale and new rod to go with. I think 25 would work

    Posts: 1164

    Late ice out western wi last year not early for our lake. We had late ice out we get to shore fish from the cabin and catch our eyes still in the river last opener. Did not do as well on the lake last year.

    Posts: 1164

    Found a couple more by end of the day snow was almost gone. Tents held up great . Since this trip we had a couple more not as much though.

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    Posts: 1164

    We got 10 inches of snow no this trip turkey hunting. Wish I could find all of the pictures we used cardboard as shovels to get paths from the tent. LOL

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    Posts: 1164

    Spinning- 10lb high vis braid to a fluoro leader 8 or 10lb.

    How I setup my bass rods with heaviver fluro for the river but 8 to 10 on the lake.

    Posts: 1164

    Yep fisher we have a lot of them. Did have a guy out trapping them but the last couple years has not.

    Posts: 1164

    Out pulling cards this weekend and scouting. Man some really hot birds right now just going on there own and lighting up the woods.

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    Posts: 1164

    Valentine area it’s the trip we look forward to every year also. Good luck Gander

    Can you still hunt that land if state bought? MN is coming up quickly . Going to setup a blind for my old man this weekend. Good amount of birds showing up right now and good gobbling this last Saturday morning.

    Posts: 1164

    We use to catch out of the channel as a kid . There is one mounted on the wall of our friends cabin that came out of Red about 50 years ago.

    Posts: 1164

    Cabela’s Alaskan. with vestibule is great and has survived some pretty good wind and snow storms .

    Posts: 1164

    Rapala has some that i’m looking at and they are on sale under $300. Decent reviews.

    Posts: 1164

    This would be a good seminar for kids and new hunters. They will have a few prizes. I know a few people from here last year went. I try and bring new hunters or kids to this but will be hunting NE this time. Most years it’s in March.

    Posts: 1164

    Yep I always pick up a few sometimes two or three for my season. I will pick up a zone one also.

    Posts: 1164

    Was able to pick up and extra tag for my season this week. I think i will get another permit for another week tomorrow.

    Posts: 1164

    Bear I have the Piscifun backpack style I use for ice fishing. works great for my style of fishing in the winter. I have been thinking of changing to one for the boat also.

    Posts: 1164

    Lol now they doubled up. Removed a few doubles.

    Posts: 1164

    Not sure why but pictures did not post.

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    Posts: 1164

    Bear i rarely use any decoys they are in my truck but 95% time they stay in the truck. I do have avian you can watch Rogers or camofire and get them on sale for $55 at times not always but it will come down in price.

    If I use any decoys early season I would use jake two hens. Later the season goes I will use just hens. Most times scouting or hunting will let you know if you need to use them at all. Take their temp of what is going on. I’ve watched fields before and seen a few tom’s ruling the field for a couple days and snuck in the next morning and used just a tom decoy only no calling or anything just had on a string and moved him a little bit and once those birds entered the field they could not stand it. Doubled up on my two WI tags.

    Trying to figure out what the birds want is the main battle. NE archery only we have been going for about 25 years now and I bet i’ve used decoy’s maybe 3 times there. I’ve had decoy’s mess up the hunt or hang them up too far out more then help.

    They are a good tool and should always be an option but not always needed.If using in an archery setup I try and make sure they are only 5-8 yards away. If the bird hangs up they still might be in range.You do not need expensive decoys to turkey hunt. Old foam decoys or Montana flat decoys work. Primos . the Flextone thunder jake and hen are under $100. Think right now you can get the Thunder chick breeder and feeder for $70 for both and would work great for turkey hunting.

    This is best time of the year coming up can’t wait leave a week from this Saturday.

    Posts: 1164

    Helix 8 are also on sale with Cabelas has mega side and down imaging. I just picked up. GEN4 going to obsolete is what I was told for the sale. I picked up last week.

    Posts: 1164

    Hit up Degidio’s, one of the best burgers around!

    There pretty good but heading to Cosetta’s.

    Giving up my chip tickets for the first time but at least go to my god son. Heading ice fishing tomorrow morning.So we hope to catch the end of the chip game Saturday night.

    I had friends on both sides last night Rapids and wbl. Was pretty cool to hear the Rapid chant from the early 90s still going strong last night.

    Posts: 1164

    Was a great day of hockey. Head back off tonight for the semifinals should be able to grab up some grub before the games start at 6.

    Heart breaker for WB was sitting with coaches family. They’ve had season tickets next to us for the last 10 years or so. Was a great game.

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