Going to buy a power auger… Any Suggestions???

  • Whiskerkev
    Posts: 3835

    I went light this year and picked up a craftsman 19.2 volt electric drill. I married that up with a 6 inch laser auger. I’ve been getting 13-16 holes per battery on 12-18 inches of ice and my lazer mag which I also love has hung in my garage all season. I got the drill for early ice and just kept on using it. If you can get by with a hand crank, I’d explore the electric drill route. It was half as heavy as my laser mag. when ice fishing is over I have a nice hammer drill I can use year round. All of these augers are pretty good machines. I paid 82 dollars for the drill two batteries and a light. I use the light in my shack and love it. 85 bucks for the auger. 20 for an adapter.

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