Strikemaster Lite 4 Stroke Auger 8″

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 499

    Any comments on the above? How does it start? Is it reliable? Does it work well?

    Crosby MN
    Posts: 613

    Going on 2 year they are sweet!!! ,starts easy mite have to give it a secound in real cold weather . Big thumbs up here

    Fulton County, Illinois
    Posts: 1108

    Love mine. If we were to ever get some good ice, I could meet you on a reservoir to give it a try if you are on the fence.

    It starts real nice and has good torque. I found out last winter that if you leave it out overnight in very cold temps, it starts pretty hard. Solved that by bringing into the house for 10 minutes and then it fired up nice.

    Plymouth MN
    Posts: 91

    Love mine. I will never own another 2 stroke.

    Posts: 102

    Starts great, very light, and no mixing of oil and gas is the best part of it, if you want to know my opinion.

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