Hot Bite for Lakers

  • Tyler Thimsen
    Posts: 294

    The temperatures are increasing and it seems that Spring is already here on the Western Slope! With that being said, there isn’t much time to ice fish! We had a blast going for Lake Trout a few weeks ago, so we decided to hit them again…This time the bite was 10x better🎣🎣🎣 Not only is the bite on fire, but CHEYENNE makes her return to fishing and gets her first ever LAKE TROUT! This is her first time fishing since the accident, and she couldn’t have been happier to be back on the water😀 We also introduce our new team member…GIDEON🐕‍🦺

    REPORT: Ice was nice from the edges to the middle of the lake where we fished from 60′-75′. Thickness was anywhere from 14 inches to near 20″ toward the middle. I even decided to drill a hole about 10 yards from shore to see how thick the edges were and it was about 15″. Weapon of choice was the Sneak Attack Swimbait from Dynamic Lures (glow pattern) tipped with sucker meat. We also got 3 on the HD Ice blade bait (glow pattern), no sucker meat, just scented with the Mack Attack Scent Pen, which is white sucker scent. Warm morning with the temp being 20 degrees right before first light hit. With the heat wave coming in this weekend, might start getting hard to get out again.

    Lots of highlights in this LATE ICE video, including some unexpected rainbow trout catches too!! Hope you all enjoy! Pictures below otherwise! (VIDEO LINK BELOW)

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