Xmas breaks started already?

  • Doug Ertl
    St Cloud, MN
    Posts: 957

    By the looks of the Hunters webcam this morning either lots of fisherman playing sick from work today or xmas break starts pretty early for some. I watched 5 or 6 groups go out in the past 30 minutes. Wish I was there

    Dubuque, Iowa
    Posts: 1030

    The breaks have begun. My 3rd oldest daughter finished up her first semester at college last Thursday already. My second oldest daughter teaches in DesMoines and their last day is today so she is heading home tonight. Lots of people using up the last of their vacation before the end of the year as well. I just found out yesterday that I have a day and a half of vacation time left to use before the end of the year.


    Malcom, IA
    Posts: 1939

    Yes indeed, finals week was last week down here, and believe me the revelry started big time last Friday, about the time I was heading to bed.(just a bit loud ) Sure is fun to see college kids out and about again. I see most of our k-12 schools are out tomorrow. Let the fun begin!


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