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  • broncosguy
    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 2106

    yep working on it. sorry got buried in other emails.

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 2106

    Broncosguy is back again

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 2106

    mine are ready to ship. i am sending a extra this year as i have a few i will never use from when i won last time. some bass stuff.(think big G sent me them) lol.

    just have to get to the post office…..sad i know. but i am knee deep in the truck engine for 3 days.

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 2106

    I am in again. we will see what this season brings. good luck to all

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 2106

    yes it is ok where we are at, and have thought that. but that is soup for a week at that size. i was honestly thinking i might have to go to chain link and double it. lol

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 2106

    sounds good. baseball coaching is over for me. so football time it is

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 2106

    this pertains to the over night holding – with 5 in the family the daily limit is not worried about we catch enough for a family meal plus the in laws to eat so many at all 25 tops to feed us all when we find them.

    i will give anything a shot. chicken wire doubled and tripled was no match. we are talking the size of man hole covers. last year went to net the fish out as we put a rock to keep it on the bottom. and looked down. asked who put the monster rock in the live well….um no rock….snapper and my feet were about 2 feet from both ends. he was heavy. let him go father in law wanted him for soup though.

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 2106


    I didn’t read the rest of the story Pug. Was there more then one photo of this wall-eyes?

    There’s more credibility with several photos then one “possibly” photoshoped pic.

    Just saying.

    come on BK…..its on the internet soooo it has to be true.

    and can not beleive i am saying this. but pug is usually good about researching before posting stuff . and i did say usually

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 2106

    I di dtake my time off for my kids and few friends so they can work. no big deal. I just thought it was funny. then we get a coporate email that we are open for business, but with have a jumper pack here at work for those that need it. lol. i just sometimes. love my job. but sometimes . oh well. time to get a big wood supply by the house inside clena the fireplace and start burning just satraight oak instead of the other hardwoods i got.

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 2106

    i traded alf morris and antonio brown for charles and t smith a few weeks back in my keeper leagie. not bad to pair him up with manning and rashad jennings and z stacy.

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 2106

    thats sounds about right. i picked up tannehill because of the snow in Philly for stafford. got the pick up. then the roster change, then got home from shurch about 1 minute before deadline. went to change ont eh phone. and deadline locked. oh well. good luck to you both. hope you tie.

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 2106

    odd but Vick’s rub on the bottom of your feet and sleep with socks on. and a good nights rest and day and night quill and clears me up every time. my kids did not beleive until we made tehm try it over x-mas break last year when 1 was sick and now they all go straight to it. lol

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 2106

    I had mine done about 8 years ago and think it is still great. no halo’s no side effects. mine was done at Fridley medical center by dr. Lenz ( yeha I know) but he is/was also my eye doctor. so not a in and out and have to see a different docor if there are issues.

    I also had a different type due to my stigamitism(sp?) that is Lasek vs. lasik that takes 30 days to heal between eyes, 2 procedures but a 95+ % chance of no issues where some people get halo’s and night driving issues and such. only issue i have is a “rushed” wake up and my eyes are dry they hurt sometimes to open but not very often just when really lackign sleep. and not just because of a few the night before. lol

    just my 2 cents worth.

    either way you will not regret it.

    same cost either way

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 2106

    i used a roofing shovel. lol. since i have one much easier and pops them good. if they are ment to break they definately will.

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 2106

    well my lure is a donation. as i have teh all glass team some how again. lol

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 2106

    yep furnace filter totally clean, and cleaned all the fins. still icing up. so now need to get some freon added.

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 2106

    really nice guy. down to earth.we go to the same church, daughters the same age and hang out. i am guessing his phone is blowing up

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 2106

    was thinking mayo. not a candidate for the surgeries yet sadly. but am trying to look into other things. the therapy worked great for a week or 2 then nothing. just seemed like more pain then anything. and chiro doe snot seem to help much as not “mis aligned” as my chiro is a message therapy cracker…..played ball with him and has 2 shops.

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 2106

    thansk for the responses. have done the MAPS pain clinic, cotarized the nerves and still no releif, or partial relief. hard part for me is maps is a “pain med free” type of healing and after a 5th visit they perscribed some meds. just saying tough to take that…but understand the options out there and advice. going to start with teh oinversion chair/table and go from there. as the Zero gravity setting on the bed for sleeping seems to work really well. , guess it is jsut trial and error as all backs and hips are different. and yes there is a inflammed bursa on the hip also.

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 2106

    CHIROPRACTIC is out. as sore to touch or move. just not sure. icing, heat stretching not helping. ibuprophen not either.

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 2106

    preseason games start tomorrow. lets get teh league up to the top again.

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 2106


    I can donate again GO VIKINGS !!!

    i can donate again also. i got a few left from 2 years ago. i think the one i will send is labeled “Big G”

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 2106

    we have ADT the sales call in people are a little rough. but we have not had a problem in over 9 years. and great on repsonse time

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 2106

    um how about share teh wealth? You can just ship me one and I will say thank you now.

    thanks for the rap Big G


    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 2106


    I would if you wer’nt so damn far away! Could could use wood

    um scaring us here chappy old boy

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 2106

    that your place ralph? i got both and located in blaine if you need it.

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 2106


    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 2106


    Use the neighbors hose.

    that is why I am asking now. got caught by 3 neighbors

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