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  • Tom Holden
    Posts: 4

    I have this one:

    25$, 10000MAH. 2 output ports. One for high output batteries (Razr Maxx, tablets etc.) and one for other batteries (iPhone etc.).

    Last week I switched to a waterproof Samsung S5 phone which lets you swap batteries. I bought a couple extra batteries to throw in the pack. I might pick up one of the small D battery size chargers like Grouse pointed out.

    Tom Holden
    Posts: 4

    That is a great buck. No reason to apologize for being a trophy hunter… looks like you’re getting good at it. Good job!

    Tom Holden
    Posts: 4

    Hog buck! – these pictures are awesome.


    Tom Holden
    Posts: 4

    Here are my 2010 and 2011 bucks. First 3 pics are of the 2010 buck.

    The 2010 buck I shot at 20 yards while hunting on the ground still-stalking in high winds. The 2011 buck was at 250 yards while sitting on my butt in a stand in a good place, on Tuesday. Perfect day for them to move after the bad weather.

    These are fair chase bucks

    If you own a gun you might consider joining The NRA-ILA could use a donation too. They have your back.

    I joined this forum to check it out and post a couple of my biggest bucks from this year and last year because things worked out for me to get ’em instead of talking about almost getting em (like in 2006,2008,2009 haha)

    The 2010 buck was 161″/159″ official. I don’t know about the 2011 buck. It wasn’t as big though.

    Good luck hunting everyone


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