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  • gillfisher
    God's country - Wisconsin
    Posts: 86

    We have fished it the last 3 years and someone in our group has won a nice prize all three years, I won an LX-5 last year.

    God's country - Wisconsin
    Posts: 86

    Stay away from the crowds, the whitefish will shut down with a lot of activity

    God's country - Wisconsin
    Posts: 86

    I guess if Marcum’s only new improvement was a beverage holder, they wouldn’t have any problems either.

    That’ll leave a mark!

    God's country - Wisconsin
    Posts: 86

    I’m hoping to get up there for the late ice as well, last year did not pan out with the early heat up.

    God's country - Wisconsin
    Posts: 86


    Just call them every minute or thirty seconds and someone will finally answer. I found that works great.

    I keep calling until I get through as well, I probably wait like 15 minutes between calls. One nice thing once you do get a hold of them, they do not try to rush you off the phone.

    God's country - Wisconsin
    Posts: 86

    Yeah it sucks for those of us that access the lake from the west shore, there is a 100 foot of open water now that is not freezing up due to the winds, and we are finally having great ice making temps!

    God's country - Wisconsin
    Posts: 86

    That’s awesome Grant, I have my 7 dialed in and am starting to be able to tell fish species with it. My buddy uses the other brand and cant tell a 5″ whitebass from a 16″ walleye, I however can!

    God's country - Wisconsin
    Posts: 86

    My first thought was; this is going to be about Vexilars. Oooppps

    God's country - Wisconsin
    Posts: 86


    I have called 888-778-1208, 763-557-6737, 763-512-3970, and 763-512-3972 . Left messages on ALL voicemail boxes. I have emailed [email protected] several times. No response from ANY.

    I called them yesterday and got right through, matter of fact every time I have called them they answered the phone.

    God's country - Wisconsin
    Posts: 86


    There used to be a lake in western minnesota, that was listed as “primative fishing” only. no gas motors, no electronics, no gas augars, and very limited catch and keep regs.
    if your lake as such a reg, then it would be listed in the “special reg” section of the mn dnr regs.
    you can also call the dnr office for your region.
    better to safe than….


    Do you need to use willow sticks for poles and grape vine for line?

    God's country - Wisconsin
    Posts: 86

    They will take #5 jigging raps also.

    God's country - Wisconsin
    Posts: 86

    I must have gotten lucky all three of my Marcum chargers will turn green when the batteries are charged.

    God's country - Wisconsin
    Posts: 86

    Yep, what BBK said, I carry a snips in the boat.

    God's country - Wisconsin
    Posts: 86

    Bleeding and zipping definitely improve the taste of fillets!

    God's country - Wisconsin
    Posts: 86

    Nope mine is working great!

    God's country - Wisconsin
    Posts: 86


    Maybe constant was a little strong, but 3 updates in a year is alot.

    I am pretty sure I had that many for my open water Humminbird side image sonar unit, not really a big deal at all. Matter of fact I think most people look forward to the FREE updates/upgrades that is one of the reasons for purchasing these type of units, so you don’t have to keep buying the latest and greatest when an easy download gets it for you.

    God's country - Wisconsin
    Posts: 86


    I for one am never happy or fully satisfied

    Sounds like someone I know!

    I agree the 2.9 was/is a very good software version

    God's country - Wisconsin
    Posts: 86

    Interesting idea, please report back on how it works.

    God's country - Wisconsin
    Posts: 86

    You guys need to take a trip over to Lake Winnebago after sturgeon spearing when the shacks are off the 4 foot by 5 foot holes in the ice!!! They need to mark them but if we get a thaw or high wind lots of the markers are tipped over and you have no idea where that huge hole is anymore.

    God's country - Wisconsin
    Posts: 86

    Thanks James, I didn’t want to try it without the shield, but I have already gone through two of them because I hate looking through the scratches, now I will take it off when I’m fishing.

    God's country - Wisconsin
    Posts: 86

    James, have you put anything on the actual screen of the locator? What do you use to clean the screens on your LX-7/6/9?

    God's country - Wisconsin
    Posts: 86

    Real beauty! Thanks for sharing! Hard to believe that so many people never get to experience many of them because their still laying in bed.

    God's country - Wisconsin
    Posts: 86

    Glad to hear all is well, thanks for the update.

    God's country - Wisconsin
    Posts: 86


    That is a awesome feeling for the moment. But I will have to say that watching my children grow up and seeing that the times I had to be the mean guy and not there best bud pay off. It’s that moment when your proud of them for what they have become.

    Agreed, this is probably the BEST feeling you can have.

    God's country - Wisconsin
    Posts: 86

    Windows only

    God's country - Wisconsin
    Posts: 86

    I tried it out today and it seems less jumpy than 2.9, I was on a lake that is only 9 feet deep at the deepest so I couldn’t check the dynamic depth. I did notice that with lower sensitivity settings the digit depth readout would go to 0 even though the bottom was showing up, no big deal there. I did really like the chart zoom and left that on most of the time I was out today. The new menu is easy enough to get used to as well. I’m giving it the thumbs up.

    God's country - Wisconsin
    Posts: 86

    I just keep my transducer even or just a tad above the bottom of the ice and at the far side of the hole, rarely ever have a problem with fish wrapping.

    God's country - Wisconsin
    Posts: 86

    Ok, got out for a few hours with the update on my LX-7, I did not get a chance to use the dynamic depth as I was fishing a lake with a maximum depth of 9 feet and when I turned dynamic and automatic on they both defaulted to 10 feet and I think that might be new in this update but I’m not sure. It seemed like it was a little less jumpy than 2.9, I also noticed that at low sensitivity settings the bottom would show up just fine but the depth readout would say 0, it did not effect anything and I already knew what depth I was fishing anyway. So far thumbs up and I really liked the chart zoom.

    God's country - Wisconsin
    Posts: 86


    I loaded the lx7 v3.17 and ran out for a quick test, worked great. It’s well worth upgrading from 2.9 for the gain improvements alone.

    Glad to hear this, I got it loaded up on my 7 and will be out on the lake in the morning to check it out.

    God's country - Wisconsin
    Posts: 86

    Call Marcum customer service, if its a bad unit they will replace it ASAP, they will also be able to walk you through different checks, I switched from Vex to Marcum last year and wont go back until Vex comes up with something better, I still have a Vex FL-22 but will be selling that, now have LX-5 and LX-7 both awesome machines.

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