
  • tipupsonly
    Western Wisconsin
    Posts: 228

    I was just wondering if anyone traps their own shinners for ice fishing seeing that a dozen of them run you atleast $5

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 124

    What is the best way to bait one on the hook so it will last more than 5 mins? thanks

    Winona,MN/La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 3667

    just behind the dorsal fins in the back. Make sure you don’t stick the shiner in its spine or it won’t last 2 minutes in the cold water. I have never had a problem keeping them lively for as long as 2 hours. Just don’t put the hook in their head or their spine and they should do OK…..

    Western Wisconsin
    Posts: 228

    they are pretty hardy until in the winter until you try to keep them for a few days. I put a bunch of small holes in a 5 gallon fail and throw it a creek behind my house with the shinners in there. Keeps them alive for weeks.

    But has anyone heard of people trapping there own shinners?

    Posts: 6259

    I know a guy who goes to ponds in the fall and traps his own, but that is in open water. He gets some real big shiners not just your average bait shop size….how he does it and where he goes I do not know, I dont have time for such adventures.

    eau claire wi.
    Posts: 63

    i like to go out to this pond by my place it is about 4 feet deep. i go out when theres about 3 inches and chop a hole with my ice pick tie a rope to the trap and a stick on the other end. check it every day or so catch about 15 to 20 a day it saves money. My favortie bait is bread.
    I catch some bullheads and baby pans but thats it.

    Western Wisconsin
    Posts: 228

    Thats the type of thing im looking for, but close to home of course. I would think some streams would hold shinners, but i do not know of any in west central wisconsin. I just think it would be great to save myself 100 bucks this winter

    EauClaire WI
    Posts: 927

    I live in EauClaire, and alot of people trap shiners out of Bullhead Pond, by the EC Rod and Gun. Mike is talking about the same place.

    eau claire wi.
    Posts: 63

    The place is down on county road QQ

    Western Wisconsin
    Posts: 228

    Ic. Well a little far for me. All i can find is river chubs and horndaze

    Posts: 216

    to you think that the river chubs would work good . they seem active when you catch em in early spring, Plus why are you worrying about buying so many shiners you cant catch anything anyways.

    Western Wisconsin
    Posts: 228

    HAHA, then you aint catching nothing. Either way i need to buy bait to put down the hole!

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