The fun of fishing

  • Brent Yeakey
    Bloomer, WI
    Posts: 553

    The past few years I have really buckled down and dedicated my time on the water to the search for the biggest fish and the best bite.

    Today I realized that I need to dedicate a couple trips to just having fun on the ice. Not that pulling large gills and crappies through an ice hole isn’t enough fun.

    What do you guys do to relax and just let loose while on the ice?

    Anthon, Iowa
    Posts: 496


    What do you guys do to relax and just let loose while on the ice?

    most of the time, letting loose means you have alot of your fishing buddies around and you guys are having a blast pulling up fish, fishing out in the open. sight fishing can be that way, just everybody out of their shacks and landing fish and having a blast.

    NW Metro
    Posts: 997

    Those are my favorite thing to toss a few on the ice sit in the house and watch them. Nothing better then someone pulling a 39″ pike through a hole.

    Also getting newbie interested in the sport is easier because it is such a rush to get one.

    Chuck Melcher
    SE Wisconsin, Racine County
    Posts: 1966

    Newbies always help…. as said. If you have an underwater camera, and a young kid…. usually they will entertain you with the expressions on their face, even if fishing slows a bit. I bring a small grill…. cook, eat, sometimes sleep a wink or so…. just chilling.

    Posts: 98

    Did you watch IDO’s season opening show on Sunday? That’s what I do to relax.

    Last March the donut on my quad exhaust cracked and started falling out from having the slush thrown against it. There’s a part of James talking when a quad gets really loud, sorry James. I’ve got it fixed so you won’t have to raise your voice to talk over my quad next year…

    It is relaxing, pulling greenbacks through the ice.

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