Best maps for pool 7, 8, 9

  • Tom Redington
    Lake Fork, TX
    Posts: 133

    I have the Corps of Engineer charts for pools 7, 8, and 9, are there any other charts or maps available that have more detail or depth info for some or all backwater areas?



    Winona,MN/La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 3667

    Is the chart that you have a book of all the pools? thats what i have too. My book is from the army corps and cost 7 dollars and shows minneapolis thru st. louis so its pretty nice. It doesn’t show depth but does show structures like wingdams and rocky shorelines, ect.
    I don’t know if you can get many topo maps without paying, but ill let you know if i see any maps. If you need help pre-fishing on 8 when you come up…let me know!

    Posts: 104

    i have the book thinger, but that sucks for depth. Mapping Specialists of Madison(I think thats where theyre at) makes some good maps, they have a pool 10 and they told me they’re mapping pools 8 and 9 and said the maps would be ready in june. they havent called me yet saying theyre done. they have contours and depths and stuff, pretty nice stuff, ive used their maps on other lakes.

    mountain man
    Coon Valley, WI.
    Posts: 1419

    Reference section of La Crosse public library and a copy machine there too. Older hot spot maps pools 2-14 were available. Or if yah see me on the water feel free to ask if I have an extra copy. Depths aren’t included since they change daily and everytime a flood rolls down through… you can guess at depths by what species they say are available and also when they say best in high water menas shallow.

    Tom Redington
    Lake Fork, TX
    Posts: 133

    Thanks for all of the help guys!!

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1885

    Tom, I wouldn’t put much stock in any river maps especially the ones with depths. Who knows what stage the pool(s) were at when the river was charted. It could end up making you waste more time than anything.

    As far as the plain old maps go, they are all about the same. So show this and some show that but the best thing to do is get out on the water and figure it yourself.

    Maps on lakes are a whole lot more helpful. I think alot of people buy the chips for their gps. Those seem to be about the best option.

    To answer your initial question, no. The corp. map I have was charted so long ago half the stuff is different than it is now.

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9362

    I will agree with you to a point ERonningen.
    The river is always changing however, maps do help put a game plan together.
    The depth might change on the maps I use, but they sure point out scour holes and deeper portions of the sloughs, back waters, and channels.
    From there it is all about spending time scouting.


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