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  • Derrick Cox
    MN, Eagan
    Posts: 168

    Just wanted to say thanks guys for all the responses! I think I’m gonna go with the vantage for now!! The boat sounds awesome so I’m pretty pumped to get it finally ordered and rigged up for opener

    Derrick Cox
    MN, Eagan
    Posts: 168

    Brian if i bring my hitch you might want to make some room in the driveway Thanks a bunch guys much appreciated


    Derrick Cox
    MN, Eagan
    Posts: 168

    Hopefully Friday day but all depends on my work schedule.

    Derrick Cox
    MN, Eagan
    Posts: 168

    thanks guys, i really havent looked in the manual yet but i will tomorrow before i head to the hardware store


    Derrick Cox
    MN, Eagan
    Posts: 168

    To answer your question joe i live just down the street from nelson and they will warranty the motor no matter what make it is. So i am just not sure if i want to spend the extra cash on a motor where i could have bought the, pretty much, the same motor for cheaper. Thats my problem


    Derrick Cox
    MN, Eagan
    Posts: 168

    I live up the street not even kinding like 2 blocks on 7th street just beyond the apartments!!!! I have had a break in my truck while i left it in the alley way over night, but thats the only issue!!! Cant complain a bit i have lived here over a year and a half and one break in isnt bad compared to when i lived in south mpls which one happened every week!!! But theres nothing to worry about great place to live and nice area, lots to do around here and a ton of lakes to fish


    Derrick Cox
    MN, Eagan
    Posts: 168

    Should have bought an otter….

    Derrick Cox
    MN, Eagan
    Posts: 168

    i would… if i had minutes

    Derrick Cox
    MN, Eagan
    Posts: 168

    maybe its time for a mac

    Derrick Cox
    MN, Eagan
    Posts: 168

    i would take it into a shop they will fix the problem brighty fast and pain free on the wallet

    Derrick Cox
    MN, Eagan
    Posts: 168

    sweet thanks, one other question do you look for inside corners and work that or just pick an area that looks good

    Derrick Cox
    MN, Eagan
    Posts: 168

    is there enough space in there to have 2 holes or is that pushing it?

    Derrick Cox
    MN, Eagan
    Posts: 168

    well, some vehicles leak water down from the windshield to the floor boards in the front bark seats. Check to see if the floor is wet. if it is drill a few holes in the wet spots throughout the floor and make sure that nothing is in the way though cause that could be bad.


    Derrick Cox
    MN, Eagan
    Posts: 168

    well maybe my brother should get this for me?

    Derrick Cox
    MN, Eagan
    Posts: 168

    ok so i took the thing apart and the spring that attaches to the white plastic thing had broken the plastic part that is suppost to connect to. How late is strikemaster open till. supposed to go fishing friday know i may not be


    Derrick Cox
    MN, Eagan
    Posts: 168

    how far south of the beach is the rock pile?


    Derrick Cox
    MN, Eagan
    Posts: 168

    x2 on the solo, love mine and glad i bought one. used it yesterday and the only thing was i didnt let it warm up so i had a few issue but other then that i love it.


    Derrick Cox
    MN, Eagan
    Posts: 168

    well… i will be out in a portable moving around some but not a lot that weight will really matter but one of the portables that i do have is a clam denali 4 man so i think i will be going with the 10 inch so the hole outside for the underwater camera stays open and the tip ups stay open also. Thanks for the input. Any other suggestions?


    Derrick Cox
    MN, Eagan
    Posts: 168


    probably will buy bait night before and go out early. Going next saturday with mom. only way to go fishing and get gas money yay

    Derrick Cox
    MN, Eagan
    Posts: 168

    sound good and thanks for the offer i just really need to get used to the boat this weekend and then i will go down next weekend or during the week. i will let you know when i am going down


    Derrick Cox
    MN, Eagan
    Posts: 168

    i know its closed but i was wondering if anyone has caught a significant amount while crappie fishing or from past times fishing this lake sorry if i confused anyone


    Derrick Cox
    MN, Eagan
    Posts: 168

    the one in scott county below prior

    Derrick Cox
    MN, Eagan
    Posts: 168

    i have not but lake nokomis is wide open from shore to about 30-40 feet

    Derrick Cox
    MN, Eagan
    Posts: 168

    thanks for the invite

    Derrick Cox
    MN, Eagan
    Posts: 168

    I have not fished this lake personally but my 2nd cousin is a pro eye fisherman and we went up there during the summer and he caught walleye and big i mean big sunnies. He has a cabin in the shingobee bay and that is were they caught fish. also just on the other side of hwy 371 he caught walleye and sunnies. Hope this helps

    Derrick – its just south of walker

    Derrick Cox
    MN, Eagan
    Posts: 168

    i would be going for crappie and walleye but only in a lake up to 35 feet is it still a good size?

    Derrick Cox
    MN, Eagan
    Posts: 168

    what lake were you on

    Derrick Cox
    MN, Eagan
    Posts: 168

    where did you launch out of? What depth where you fishing? Do you know where to find some eye’s

    Derrick Cox
    MN, Eagan
    Posts: 168

    well not that i can tell but when i took it out for the first time it would die when i went full throttle and i really didn’t look to see if i could see it pee out so thats what i am wondering?

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