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  • bryanr
    Posts: 13


    I’m afraid of what we might see on the camera. In the early morning with the fog lifting ever so slowly of hte water as the sun begins to peak over hill behind Everts and a shadowy beginning to appear on the dock. OMG it’s BK on the dock soaking his worm waiting for a cat, and he’s in his birthday suit.

    And we would lose the “What happens at Everts stays at Everts’

    Pretty sure I just threw up in my mouth a little bit….

    Posts: 13

    I would recommend to admins this thread gets locked. This attitude of entitlement is making me sick.

    It appears this thread has the potential to get out of hand.

    Went from a nice fish pic to well….you can read.

    I apologize, in a bit of a foul mood today and this post is out of character for me.

    Posts: 13


    Nice fish Jon! Jealous I haven’t had time to get up there and enjoy the Fall bite!!

    Now there is an intelligent post.

    Posts: 13

    Looks like a tadpole on steroids to me…

    Posts: 13


    BTW Bryan, you spell your name funny.

    Don’t get it twisted…

    Actually, there is some method to the madness in how we spell our names…

    brIan k= catfIsh
    brYan r= walleYe

    Our parents set our paths long….long ago….

    Posts: 13


    When I read the original plans, they were to be chained down. Not sure if there’s chains under that rock or not…guess we’ll have to wait and see.

    There were a couple of those with cables on them. It was hard to tell though if the cables were holding the trunks in place or just in the rock. Couldn’t imagine though with cables there why they wouldn’t be attached to that stump and only in the rock. But what do I know…LOL.

    Posts: 13


    The fish cleaning house proves it.

    I noticed when I left….LOL.

    Thank you sir.

    Posts: 13


    You should have hollered at me!!

    All those people fishing “the hole” went home with a mess of little fish.

    I “heard” later today there will be a fishing report about shallower water fishing. Hope that happens. Folks are fishing waaay to deep, but the action is faster in the deep water and there are some that never fish shallower then 30 feet.

    Don’t get me wrong, I love eating 14″ saugers but not when I have to catch 20 ten inchers to get them. Did you notice how fat the eagles are down there?

    PS for BWS and BBQ sauce, they were very “light” eating.

    I thought about hollering at you but didn’t want to disturb what you had going on over there.

    I did fish shallower than most of them. Probably should have moved to the wingdams but….being first time out really wasn’t too sure. I did move and pitch the rocks on the east side just down from the dam a ways with no success. That is actually where I first saw you before you moved up to the dam.

    Those birds are definately not starving….LOL.

    Lots of ducks getting blasted east of the dam most of the day as well. Could see the Robo-Ducks out in the field.

    Posts: 13


    Welcome to the posting side of Ido BryanR!

    If my seat wasn’t taken on Sunday, (sorry St. Croixer) I would go out with you! I’m ready for a channel cat dinner!!

    Brian. Saw you out there Sunday. I was circling around you for a good period of time with all of the rest of the “Suckers” catching 10-12 inch sauger all day….LOL.

    Saw there were some leftover Bacon wrapped Jalepeno spam in the office too. I was a little hungover from by buddies B-Day the night before when I got on the water so I avoided them. Didn’t want to take too many trips back to shore….LOL.

    Good work with the gal on the cats. Looks like there was some good fun.

    Oh BTW….I was in the Black, White and Blue DC Fishhawk. I wearing a blaze orange Beanie and a gray hoodie with orange print on the front. (Put on the carhart coat very late when the little breeze blew in) Spent the whole day standing on the back deck of the boat jigging blades and Moxi’s.

    Ended up being solo Sunday so just wanted to kind of get a feel considering it was my first trip to the infamous Pool 4.

    Posts: 13

    That’s fantastic. Almost like plucking a goose I would presume? LOL

    Posts: 13


    Welcome to the posting side of Ido BryanR!

    If my seat wasn’t taken on Sunday, (sorry St. Croixer) I would go out with you! I’m ready for a channel cat dinner!!

    I thought cats were house pets….didn’t know you could eat those.

    Posts: 13


    I haven’t a clue about the bite up there, but if you get to Everts early enough, I’m looking for a few brave soles to be guinea pigs for my trail batch of bacon wrapped Spam with Jalapenos.

    I’d be the first Guinea Pig in line and be all over that. LOL. Unfortunately I’m coming down Sunday.

    BTW- I’m a rookie in multiple facets. Rookie poster (long time stalker) here on IDO and a Pool 4 Rookie.

    This leads me to my next comment. I’m just a shade nervous about heading out solo as a Pool 4 Rookie but I can’t hold back any longer. If anyone that has a shade of experience down on Pool 4 has an interest, I have an open seat in my boat. Just reply or PM me. Whichever you prefer. Planning on being down to Evert’s early Sunday morning.

    Thanks all. This is great site filled with great people and great info.

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