2023/2024 NHL/WILD Offseason-Season-Postseason Thread

  • CaptainMusky
    Posts: 20057

    Didnt Dino Ciccarelli get banned from Canada and charged for slashing that guy?

    Posts: 15922

    I saw a report that there’s been at least three pro hockey players charged with crimes stemming from altercations on the ice. All were convicted. One was in Italy and the other two were NHLer’s, Marty McSorley and Todd Bertuzzi. None of the charges were for manslaughter, but clearly the players were held accountable in the court of law. It will be interesting to see how this shakes out

    The difference is those examples were all absolutely thought out and deliberate acts of over-the top violence on the ice vs this latest tragedy is a millisecond physics case study imo…

    Posts: 15922

    Didnt Dino Ciccarelli get banned from Canada and charged for slashing that guy?

    was it that or peeing outside in public and then flashing people?

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 15309

    The difference is those examples were all absolutely thought out and deliberate acts of over-the top violence on the ice vs this latest tragedy is a millisecond physics case study imo

    Correct, and that’s why the charge is manslaughter, not murder.

    Murder is a deliberate act to kill someone. Manslaughter is the involuntary act. It may depend on what the suspect in this case admits to. If he admitted to “kicking” (obviously without the intent to injure), they could easily charge him with manslaughter. One can’t dismiss the simple fact that this specific player has had issues with penalties and other deliberate infractions. My guess is that the prosecution (whoever that is) will try to build a case against him showing a pattern of recklessness on the ice.

    Posts: 7887

    Rossi between Kirill and Zuccy line at today’s practice…

    Didn’t think Deano had it in him LFG

    Posts: 20057

    That was in Minny.

    The Dino thing? I read that if he traveled to Toronto after that they would arrest him assumed it was in Canada.

    Posts: 20057

    The difference is those examples were all absolutely thought out and deliberate acts of over-the top violence on the ice vs this latest tragedy is a millisecond physics case study imo…

    No one died either, but it ended one guys career.

    Posts: 10704

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Ripjiggen wrote:</div>
    That was in Minny.

    The Dino thing? I read that if he traveled to Toronto after that they would arrest him assumed it was in Canada.

    The exposing himself thing was at his house in Minny. The slash happened in Toronto. Was charged with assault paid 1000$ in fines and 1 day in jail.
    Don’t think he was barred from Canada.

    The big big difference in those other cases is nobody died. So all they could go after them for legally was assault.
    That’s like getting into a fight outside a bar. It’s usually probation or a fine with a fairly clean record.

    Posts: 7887

    The best OT change proposal I’ve seen is to not change OT, but instead mess with the shootout, since it already sucks.

    Instead of getting minimum 3 attempts in the shootout, each team gets as many shootout attempts as they got shots in 3v3 overtime. Boom, immediately more offense in OT. Take 5 shots, you get 5 shootout attempts. Take no shots in OT, you get no shootout attempts, and you lose. If neither team gets a shot in OT, they both lose. Relegate them to the ECHL for all I care.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 15309

    I still think they should skate 2 if they take a penalty in or before OT. 3 on 2. Now that’s some wide open pond hockey. waytogo

    AK Guy
    Posts: 1324

    The best OT change proposal I’ve seen is to not change OT, but instead mess with the shootout, since it already sucks.

    Instead of getting minimum 3 attempts in the shootout, each team gets as many shootout attempts as they got shots in 3v3 overtime. Boom, immediately more offense in OT. Take 5 shots, you get 5 shootout attempts. Take no shots in OT, you get no shootout attempts, and you lose. If neither team gets a shot in OT, they both lose. Relegate them to the ECHL for all I care.

    I still think they should skate 2 if they take a penalty in or before OT. 3 on 2. Now that’s some wide open pond hockey. waytogo

    Both great ideas. I think either one of you should replace Bettman.

    Posts: 7887

    Today I learned that IKEA is a Swedish company rotflol

    Posts: 7887

    The Canucks top guys are on the heater of all heaters. They lead every major category right now points, goals, assists, +/-

    1. Screenshot_20231116_103709_NHL.jpg

    Posts: 15922

    The Canucks top guys are on the heater of all heaters. They lead every major category right now points, goals, assists, +/-

    I guess they didn’t need their old PP coach huh? Kinda looks like he had zero impact….

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 15309

    Wasn’t there a portion of the thread last season about possibly acquiring Boeser? People kept saying he was a washed up head case. coffee

    Posts: 7887

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>tswoboda wrote:</div>
    The Canucks top guys are on the heater of all heaters. They lead every major category right now points, goals, assists, +/-

    I guess they didn’t need their old PP coach huh? Kinda looks like he had zero impact….

    IDK I would say he had a pretty big impact… just wasn’t a good impact.

    Posts: 20057

    I dont think I ever remember anyone saying Boeser was a head case, just that he was going through a rough stretch and likely caused by the personal issue because his dad died.

    Posts: 7887

    Wasn’t there a portion of the thread last season about possibly acquiring Boeser? People kept saying he was a washed up head case. coffee

    Washed up head case, no and honestly it’s insane if that’s how you remember it. I said PP shooter specialist who is a negative at 5v5, and didn’t want him on the Wild with his $5m contact during the buyouts. Honestly would love to eat crow on that for Brock. Do You think he keeps shooting 30% the rest of the year? Either way he’s had an amazing start that should carry him to career highs even once he falls back to Earth.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 15309

    I wasn’t specifically referring to you twsoboda. Perhaps my recollection is inaccurate of this topic. But I feel like some people were completely against him coming here even though his contract/cost was impossible.

    Posts: 7887

    There’s a giant gap between completely against him coming here and washed up head case.

    Posts: 15922

    I was leading the trade for Brock train BUT for it to even be a possibility, Vancouver would have needed to eat 50% of his caphit for 2+ years and honestly that just wasn’t going to happen due to the Canucks abysmal cap management and all the young players they needed to sign in the near future… I still think he’s on GMBG’s radar as a possible trade deadline pickup next season (if Vancouver isn’t in the playoffs) and I think Brock would love to play for the Wild and more importantly live close to his family. He provides exactly what the Wild has never had, a RH sharp shooter…His game will always be PP dependant, not sure why that’s such a bad thing if he can impact games…you pay goal scorers to score…

    as TS said, he’s had hot goal streaks many times before and then cooled off, lets see if he can maintain it a bit…

    Posts: 7887

    It’s not just Boeser, the entire city of Vancouver is completely unconscious having an out of body experience right now. They cannot stop scoring goals and making big saves. They’re basically the polar opposite of Edmonton’s season to this point

    Posts: 10704

    I was against it not because he was a washed up head case.
    More so a one trick pony that is historically streaky at that one trick.
    He’s on pace for like 75 goals. Pretty sure he is not finishing at that.
    Good for him for starting the season hot like he is.

    The Wilds problem is not scoring goals. It is not stopping them. I don’t see how Brock would help with that.

    Funny how it was the opposite problem last year.
    Hence I think Brock’s name got thrown around.
    Then again Vancouver was a dumpster fire last year.
    70 goals through 16 games is kind of wild.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 11134

    The best OT change proposal I’ve seen is to not change OT, but instead mess with the shootout, since it already sucks.

    Instead of getting minimum 3 attempts in the shootout, each team gets as many shootout attempts as they got shots in 3v3 overtime. Boom, immediately more offense in OT. Take 5 shots, you get 5 shootout attempts. Take no shots in OT, you get no shootout attempts, and you lose. If neither team gets a shot in OT, they both lose. Relegate them to the ECHL for all I care.

    Assuming you are referring to shots on goal, the problem I see with this change would be that then everybody would be micro dissecting every shot on goal decision. Was it really a shot on goal or wasn’t it? Just because the goalie made a save doesn’t necessarily indicate the puck was on goal by the NHL rulebook definition.

    A shot on goal right now is just an estimate by the scorer. Usually they get it pretty much right but it doesn’t really have to be exactly right. There are no consequences to the actual outcome of the game.

    As soon as you attach some competitive advantage to each shot on goal call, you create a judgment call nightmare. Even with video review of every shot taken it would be difficult to determine within centimeters whether or not a shot met the technical definition of shot on goal.

    The player, coach, and fan b#tching and complaining would be endless.

    Personally I think three on three overtime and the current shootout are a good-enough solution among a long list of bad solutions to the problem. Leave good enough alone.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 15309

    Thank you for clarifying. I wasn’t about to go back into last year’s thread and search through 145 pages lol smash

    Posts: 7887

    OK Grouse then use shot attempts. Yes it’s an official stat tracked by the NHL.

    Honestly if you think about my scenario I’m sure you’ll find a hundred reasons why it wouldn’t work. I promise you I did no thinking when I typed that out. I read it, laughed, and said to myself that it sounds hilarious and another new way to make a mockery of the the shootout. I hate the shootout

    Posts: 7887

    Thank you for clarifying. I wasn’t about to go back into last year’s thread and search through 145 pages lol smash

    Ya’ll gotta learn how to use the search box! chased

    1. Screenshot_20231116_114838_Chrome.jpg

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