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  • shintz
    Southern MN
    Posts: 15

    Winnibigoshish, Lake (Lake Winnie)

    Southern MN
    Posts: 15

    Is a 4 ball walk and an intentional walk considered the same? If not, Intentional Walk.

    Southern MN
    Posts: 15


    Southern MN
    Posts: 15

    Just so you folks know, you should be using mineral oil on wood cutting boards. Vegetable oil, or any other natural oil will turn rancid over time and you risk getting people sick.

    Southern MN
    Posts: 15

    How did it go for you on the lake. Bit of a windy day. I got a few out there (AL). Where were you fishing? I d id not see anyone else out there.

    Southern MN
    Posts: 15

    So by the looks of it, you were in deeper water and are coming up the break, and the cribs are on the slope? How do the fish look?

    Southern MN
    Posts: 15

    How do you view the bottom correctly? First time I have looken at one of these. Do you tilt your head to make it look right? Very cool to see those logs and cribs though! Can you tell how far those cribs are away from the boat by chance?

    Southern MN
    Posts: 15


    Second line endorsement??? Only in Minnesota, dang money grubbers.

    You still have the option to buy, or not to buy the extra license. I am assuming you won’t be paying the extra 10$ if it passes? It will be hard for me not too.

    The friends I fish with get snagged all the time with one pole, I can’t wait for them to have two.

    Southern MN
    Posts: 15

    Total Weight- 15.5 pounds

    BF- 6.5 Pounds

    Southern MN
    Posts: 15

    This a a fantastic tool. Really great for ice fishing the vast Mille Lacs Lake. It is a “for sure buy”.

    Southern MN
    Posts: 15

    If I had to suggest something, I would use vinyl. If you use carpet it will soak up any water and hold it virtually the whole weekend you are fishing. If you use vinyl, you can keep a sawed off mop, wipe up the water, and the floor will be completly dry in minutes. So if you happen to have to hop out of bed for a fish at 4am, your socks will not get wet! my .02$

    Southern MN
    Posts: 15

    We headed up to Clear Lake this weekend on Sunday to try our luck on some crappies. We started fishing at about 6:45am or so. It was nice and quiet out there but there were no fish moving. We were on the north side of the lake. At about 8 in the am or so, the crowds of people started driving out on the lake and drilling holes. The 5″ perch were the only thing that would bite. We decided to move to the south side of the lake and had a lot better luck. We went where there wasn’t anyone and drilled 10 holes and trolled outside for the remainder of the morning. Man it was nice to be outside for more than 5 minutes without freezing your off.The sunnies were hitting pretty well but your presentation had to be small. I was using a horizontal type jig tipped with some plastics from custom jigs and spins. Waxies or minnows would not work. ended the day at noon havng caught and released 20 or so decent sunnies. No Crappies for me, and truthfully I did not see a suspended fish all day.

    Southern MN
    Posts: 15

    I am from that area and fish it pretty regularly. Were you in the channel? I heard some reports from friends this sunday, they said it was the best eye bite in the past couple of years. But I guess where they said they were was pretty unlikly water to be catching so many. I am going to go out tonight to try it and I’ll post tomorrow.

    Southern MN
    Posts: 15

    I have an X67c and absolutly love it. The color is really a nice option and once you use it a while you will be able to recognize what type of bottom you are fishing on, and when that bottom type changes. Sweet rig for icing and open water fishing.

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