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  • bassmasterSandy
    Posts: 14

    thanks for the suggestions & input, fellers! )

    randy: I’m in columbia heights. the pella windows are fine, it was the faulty installation from a pella subcontractor that was the issue. we contacted pella with pictures of the obvious gaps around the window, and they sent out their own guys to fix all 10 of the windows this subcontractor had messed-up. I wish it hadn’t happened, since I think pella is a good product…but can’t help but feel a little gun shy when it comes to trusting someone to put in a window. I’d do it myself with some help, but the windows that need to be replaced are upstairs. and I’m afraid of heights.

    here’s a photo of the gap around the window. we wouldn’t have even known about it if we hadn’t decided to remodel our kitchen a few months later and discovered it after taking off the window trim…

    1. DSC008882.jpg

    Posts: 14


    I used to do roofing for a living. We ran 2 steamers when needed and controlled many problems with shovels and salting. I can honestly say that the pucks of salt are the biggest joke out there. All they do is dig a hole straight down to the roof. If you dont believe me get some, place them then check the area in 2 days.

    There is NO EASY WAY around the issue. You need to get up there and clear the snow from the roof. At least 4′ above any dam. Then load the area with salt. You will hear many people say you cant use salt saying it will cause damage to the shingles. BS. The salt is on the shingles a very short while, perhaps if you were to keep salt on the shingles all year it would cause issues but in the scope of everything it is a short while. I like to use the colored salts to keep track of how much and where it has been placed.

    agree completely. those ice pucks don’t do a DAMN thing to help the ice dam. if anything, they make the problem worse. panty hose filled with salt at least creates a channel for the water to escape….but you have to keep up with it, especially during a winter as hellish as this one. along with raking or shoveling some of the snow off, it’s the only way to manage the problem. that is, unless you have mega bucks to spend on the alternative.

    Posts: 14

    way to scope out them lakes there, jeremy!

    Posts: 14

    ja, vi har många muskellunge, eller pike, så vi lik till kalla dem.

    Posts: 14

    I heard facial haired persons can’t catch sklunges.

    Posts: 14


    Fake. Girls can’t catch fish that big.

    big enough to hit you in the noggen.

    Posts: 14

    Try casting spoons in the lake from the beach. K.O. Wobblers and Little Cleos are both good. If you don’t have any luck doin that and want some sure action go above the upstream boundary(basically the highway)on either the Cross or the Temperance and and cast small Mepps or Vibrax spinners in size 0 or 1 into any pool you can find. Both these streams have good populations of small stocked rainbows and native brookies. Also a good ol worm on a hook will work but tends to kill little fish. Another thing that’s good for these little guys is crimping the barbs on the spinners. Good luck.

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