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  • fredbart
    St. Paul
    Posts: 372

    In my humble opinion I don’t believe that the issues are just about netting. Netting didn’t bring in milfoil. Netting didn’t bring in zebra mussels. In fact our heritage did. Netting isn’t responsible for the fact that the water of this lake is now warmer due to climate change- human caused or not. I also don’t think that the issues of the lake falls solely to the D.N.R. or the governor. A plan is a plan and most plans that work on complex issued just don’t address the needs of everyone. Most plans don’t work anyway!

    I think that netting is one of many significant changes that effect the lake- period. The issues are systemic, complex and cannot be simplified to a single cause or one single problem. Though I would prefer that the lake is not netted and I would prefer that these walleyes stay in the lake and spawn I have to wonder how much significant changes would occur if netting stopped. If it did invasive species would not go away. Water clarity which has been affected by zebra mussels wouldn’t change. Sure not having netting would make some difference but I don’t think in the long view it changes the fact that other variable are also effecting the lake.

    It is a right and responsibility of an informed electorate to challenge decisions and voice concerns. We can say what we want about elected officials. For myself I am rather tired of the easy labels we throw at our elected officials. I’m not sure that just because you don’t agree that that makes the governor goofy. I didn’t vote for him, however I think that most elected officials are not corrupt and most do their best considering how complicated democracy is.

    St. Paul
    Posts: 372

    But… We fish walleyed on the Mississippi during the spawn.

    St. Paul
    Posts: 372

    I have been camping on Rainy for six years. Most of the time I have been able to find campsites around where I wanted to fish. But I also several experiences where the sites I wanted to stay were taken. It was frustrating to have to keep traveling down the lake not knowing if we would even find an adequate site.
    One time we ended up having to camp on a non designated site which was less then comfortable.

    For groups of more then one boat I bet this could be a bit disconcerting. With the reservation system groups will now not have to worry as much and be able to after traveling and getting ready be assured of a safe landing.

    My understanding is that the regulation still applies that you can also set up camp wherever you wish providing they are not houseboat sites or designated differently. As the reservation system, at least for this year does not include all designated campsites you should still be able to take that impulse trip! You know- the unexpected days off and a yearning to fish the shield.

    One thing I know is that Rainy Lake has some of the best guides around and now that you have that site reserved they can come to you. You will be able to hire them ahead of time. They will know where you are and come to you.

    I like fishing both the east and west end of the lake. I also know Rainy lake walleyes are always on the move and any trip would be enhanced by spending a day with a knowledgeable guide.

    For those of you who have your campsites reserved I would also like to suggest that you get a Remote Boarder Permit, you can also get your Ontario fishing liscence on-line. Fishing is good on both sides of the lake but I see far fewer people on the Candadian side and it is also rich in deep shallow bays. We all know what that means for June!

    One last thing. If the campsites you want are books don’t forget to keep checking back as plans change you will find cancellations.

    St. Paul
    Posts: 372

    Fellow anglers could also send a “friendly” shout out. Sometimes overeagerness gets in the way of patience.

    St. Paul
    Posts: 372

    I was walking the dog by the White Bear landing today and saw one boat; thought only a fool would….. didn’t finish the sentence. Fishing on these kind of days is challenging but isn’t it great to be fishing on these kinda days. And no mosquitos

    St. Paul
    Posts: 372

    I was walking the dog by the White Bear landing today and saw one boat; thought only a fool would….. didn’t finish the sentence. Fishing one these kind of days is challenging but isn’t it great to be fishing on these kinda days.

    St. Paul
    Posts: 372

    I am hoping to get down to Pool Four late this week. How is the bite?

    St. Paul
    Posts: 372

    Rainy is a really fun lake, but I am someone who is able to spend minimal time fishing the lake and like you have have found it fickle. I think that is what makes it fun.

    The only thing I would add is that I get a Remote Border Pass online. I also get my Ontario Lisence the same way. I don’t know if fishing the Canadian side is “better” but it does expand the options. When I go to the Kettle Falls the Canadian side offers some really nice deep bays. If I stay on the western part of the lake access to Canada offers several really nice neck down areas.
    Given that I don’t have a big boat I need to fish smaller water which I get being able to fish Canda. Also, lots less people. Surprizingly less.

    The best way to get ahold of Rainy is to share information. I hope this help next next year.

    St. Paul
    Posts: 372

    That is a really good suggestion. Thanks. I am in the process of respooling my rods and will make the shift.

    St. Paul
    Posts: 372

    Where are the smallmouth on the Croix.

    Yesterday I got out for a couple of hours fishing. We put in at O’Brian Park and fished down about 3 miles. The river is still somewhat fishable from my boat, though in several places I did have to get out and pull over some sandbars. But that’s what is expected this time of year.

    Regarding fishing it was really good. Though I didn’t have a lot of time and was mostly talking with my wife when I did fish the smallmouth were very willing and for the Croix nice size. I also got a bonus 8 pound northern.

    This time of year the bass are transitioning to deeper run (remember these fish are very vulnerable so practice careful release) Whenever the current hits rock shoreline and begins to pool I focus on the upper part of the run. Don’t be afraid to pitch right to the shoreline, you will be surprised at how tight these fish will be to the shoreline. These areas are even better when you have an incoming stream. I have found that even a little flow will draw and hold fish. Often more then one.

    Regarding what is working my go too is a 3. 5 inch gitzit tube jig on an 1/8 ounce or 2/26 BfishN jig. I like to bury the head at the top of the jig. Generally I will fish these on 6 pound mono. This lure has become my go too all summer. I can fish it on the drop. I can also fish it as a shaky worm. Pick it up off the bottom, shack it and set it back down. With practice I have also learned to fish this as a cover bait. Gitzits come in multiple colors. This summer I bought a couple of packages of there Olive Smoke Red Sparkle. I used them up so quickly that I special ordered a package of 100. This color seems to really trigger the fish and for don’t be surprised if you also get walleyes. In fact in June my two nicest walleyes on the lower Croix came on this color.

    Because of water depth if I can I like to leave a car at O’ Brian and launch the boat at Osceola. It’s always easier to go downstream. If you focus on current and deeper holes with rocks mixed in I think you will be successful. Also, don’t be afraid to bring some night crawlers as well as your pan fishing gear. Lots of opportunity.

    St. Paul
    Posts: 372

    Is Chris Granrud no long reporting for I.D.A.? Just curious.

    St. Paul
    Posts: 372

    How would you fish them?

    St. Paul
    Posts: 372

    Does anyone have a link where I can find if the Croix is still no wake or not?

    Thank you

    St. Paul
    Posts: 372

    Its in great shape.

    St. Paul
    Posts: 372

    Sorry. Got the title wrong.

    St. Paul
    Posts: 372

    Fly Fishing in Yemen is fun.

    St. Paul
    Posts: 372

    Do zombies ice fish?

    St. Paul
    Posts: 372

    Early Saturday night live.
    Tina Fay’s Sarah palin

    St. Paul
    Posts: 372

    Holy grail
    Something about Mary
    Trailer park boys

    St. Paul
    Posts: 372

    I also spend Thursday on the river taking advantage of the nice weather. We started out below the Y and found fishing slow. A bump here and there and an occassional small sauger. After an hour we headed up to the dam and had a fairly good day fishing. Nothing fast and furious, but we did manage to find enough biters to keep the gloves off.

    I mainly fished firecracker paddle tails, my buddy went through a scoop of minnows. I did try other colors and had I had some action on superdoos. But every time I switch back to the paddletail my catch rate increased.

    Sometimes its the little things that make the difference. I sometimes forget to waypoint fish. Thursday I way pointed the first fish and that made all the difference. The active fish seemed to bit best on the upside of the scour hole and tended to be very location specific. We didnt get many fish on the flats or anything below 25 ft, I liked that as I really dont like to go deeper in order to minimize release recovery. As soon as we got on the flat our catch rate declined.

    This was a great piece of learning for me, on a slow bite day we knew where the catchable fish were and really focused on the subtle bite. For anglers who might not have the ability to waypoint fish on their locator I would highly recommend purchasing the Lakemaster application for their smartphones. This feature provides the same capabilities and is not very expensive to purchase.

    It was great to catch some fish, spend time with a good buddy and learn a few new tricks.

    St. Paul
    Posts: 372

    Fishing was very good below the dam today. Easily caught over 40 saugers vertical jigging BfishN blades in about 20 ft of water. Most of the fish were around 15 to 18 inches with a nice bonus 3 pound walleye. The best color was copper and at least fom my perspective blades was the best pattern going. Was having so much fun I didn’t try other areas or patterns. Great going through Everts. Great service and a great selection of lures.

    St. Paul
    Posts: 372

    What do you attribute to the fact that sunfish populations are up and white bass down? Just curious.

    St. Paul
    Posts: 372

    I was out today. Small tube type baits flipped under dock, more shade more fish pulled the trigger well. Alo willow leaf spinner baits right up to shore did well. Biggest around 2 pounds. Ended up with easily over 20 fish. Nice day.

    St. Paul
    Posts: 372

    Very fun vidio. Were you fishing these tubes on a straight jig head or as a caroline rig and h ow much fun to listen to the Mille Lacs Lake Mens choir.

    St. Paul
    Posts: 372

    What a great idea and thanks for the opportunity to learn and contribute. This has always been what I.D.O. is about! My two cents, I for one can do without the conversations about what fish is better than other.

    St. Paul
    Posts: 372

    We all live downstream of someone,

    St. Paul
    Posts: 372

    Great suggestions. I am however not sure what a Goby looks like? Thanks.

    St. Paul
    Posts: 372

    Small tubes on light line.

    St. Paul
    Posts: 372

    Much thanks! Your council is always appreciated, I will share what I hope is a successful trip!

    St. Paul
    Posts: 372

    Where in the cities can you purchase Sweet Beaver plastics?

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