What's with everyone needing to film themselves fishing

  • hnd
    Posts: 1575

    What ever happened to taking a picture of a fish and doing a little brag that way.

    Whats the difference?

    Its the new medium. I watch tons of amateur anglers on youtube. some do a great job and they are fun to watch. some are terrible obviously.

    Some guys do it for $ and why shoudn’t they if they are capable. But most i follow do it because they love fishing.

    I gopro all my boat angling for the most part. I don’t upload any of it to youtube. I edit it down to key things and thats about it. Its like having a picture album.

    Nisswa, MN
    Posts: 1997

    I video myself fishing for the same reason we used to make home movies. Memories. I post it to YouTube because it is easier to share them.

    My buddy and I occasionally use our cameras(yes we still had dedicated cameras) to shoot video occasionally. It’s a ton of fun to look back years later and be back in that moment. We have a Go Pro but haven’t put the effort in to use that. Whether a person keeps it to themselves or shares it out in public is no skin off my back either way.

    Central MN
    Posts: 3916

    Dang, rough crowd!

    Kinda like Yukon Cornelius in Rudolph. You eat what you eat and I’ll eat what I’ll eat! If guys like filming and guys like watching, so be it.

    Posts: 1575

    one day we were dragging dubuque rigs up the slough with about 10 other boats and this guy was fishing with his kid. the kid had a go pro mounted to the windshield pointed at him in the back of the boat and he was just going on and on like he had his own show showing what he was using, describing the location they fished, it was pretty entertaining. everyone was catching fish that day so he was pretty busy.

    eventually we got close and his dad was like, its how i got him to come out all day with me. he loves fishing shows but doesn’t like fishing for long. i can bring him out all day long and he just goes and goes and goes.

    Jordan Weiler
    Posts: 69


    That is a cool story. Whatever it takes to get the kids out!

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 18196

    one day we were dragging dubuque rigs up the slough with about 10 other boats and this guy was fishing with his kid. the kid had a go pro mounted to the windshield pointed at him in the back of the boat and he was just going on and on like he had his own show showing what he was using, describing the location they fished, it was pretty entertaining. everyone was catching fish that day so he was pretty busy.

    eventually we got close and his dad was like, its how i got him to come out all day with me. he loves fishing shows but doesn’t like fishing for long. i can bring him out all day long and he just goes and goes and goes.

    That is a pretty cool story

    Posts: 1575

    lol i started the conversation with “got any sponsorships yet” and he said don’t give him any ideas!

    Posts: 129

    I don’t film myself but I do think that social media such as Instagram, YouTube, ect. are powerful tools to get kids and others involved in the outdoors who otherwise wouldn’t have the opportunity. Every individual has a different following, whether that’s a distant relative or complete stranger, the more non-hunters and fishers we can reach, the better.

    Most of us grew up fishing and hunting with family, there are a lot of people who didn’t have that luxury. Anyone young, old, experienced, beginner can see pictures, be influenced and learn what fishing/hunting is all about, hopefully poking some interest. With the natural, organic, locally sourced food trend these days, this is a huge opportunity to get more individuals involved.

    That’s just my 2cents…

    Posts: 7348

    Guess I’m still worried about my lawn.

    Making videos as motivation for getting out isnt an atta boy moment imo. The outdoors is a place I try to teach my kids to place themselves, well, outside themselves. Take the world in around them, observe, relax, a true spiritual sense to it. Stick a camera in that scenario and it all becomes a horse and pony show. This constant need for stimulation is causing huge behavioral issues with our youth and gopros only exacerbate em.

    We all have our opinions and I respect anyone’s want to make videos and post. Their life do what they want. Far as my boat goes my kids will continue to dig in the worms, dissect minnows, watch the muskrats, hope for an eagle and not worry about being a showsman to a camera.

    Davenport, Iowa
    Posts: 203

    With my fishing luck or lack of, The camera man would likely die from boredom, or jump off my boat.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 18196

    With my fishing luck or lack of, The camera man would likely die from boredom, or jump off my boat.

    Finally be something interesting to watch

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 18196

    Guess I’m still worried about my lawn.

    Making videos as motivation for getting out isnt an atta boy moment imo. The outdoors is a place I try to teach my kids to place themselves, well, outside themselves. Take the world in around them, observe, relax, a true spiritual sense to it. Stick a camera in that scenario and it all becomes a horse and pony show. This constant need for stimulation is causing huge behavioral issues with our youth and gopros only exacerbate em.

    We all have our opinions and I respect anyone’s want to make videos and post. Their life do what they want. Far as my boat goes my kids will continue to dig in the worms, dissect minnows, watch the muskrats, hope for an eagle and not worry about being a showsman to a camera.

    I agree with you , when I bring my son fishing or out in the woods or camping even it’s to get the heck away from the internet and TV and for him to realize that needing that stuff is nonsense. We turn the phones off and they are in the truck in case of emergency. But It also goes with I don’t let him sit on the computer or games or TV. He can go out side and play ride his bike ride the dirt bike, build a fort. That or do chores

    Posts: 530

    Great memories come from Fishing. I have many I wish were documented, I cant judge people for using cameras but I can judge people for judging others……

    Funny what some people concern themselves with nowadays. Seems like with technology all people do today is judge others.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 18196

    Great memories come from Fishing. I have many I wish were documented, I cant judge people for using cameras but I can judge people for judging others……

    Funny what some people concern themselves with nowadays. Seems like with technology all people do today is judge others.

    I’m not judging any one just asking

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 18196

    This post was not intended to hurt everyone’s feelings or insult people. It’s just my opinion on a topic. Don’t be so sensitive and don’t take it as insult. I respect everyone else’s opinions with out insult

    Posts: 7348

    This post was not intended to hurt everyone’s feelings or insult people. It’s just my opinion on a topic. Don’t be so sensitive and don’t take it as insult. I respect everyone else’s opinions with out insult

    X2. Civil discourse is lacking nowadays, which is why this very thread makes the site great. People expressing their opinions in respectful but differing ways.

    Posts: 129

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>nhamm wrote:</div>
    Guess I’m still worried about my lawn.

    Making videos as motivation for getting out isnt an atta boy moment imo. The outdoors is a place I try to teach my kids to place themselves, well, outside themselves. Take the world in around them, observe, relax, a true spiritual sense to it. Stick a camera in that scenario and it all becomes a horse and pony show. This constant need for stimulation is causing huge behavioral issues with our youth and gopros only exacerbate em.

    We all have our opinions and I respect anyone’s want to make videos and post. Their life do what they want. Far as my boat goes my kids will continue to dig in the worms, dissect minnows, watch the muskrats, hope for an eagle and not worry about being a showsman to a camera.

    I agree with you , when I bring my son fishing or out in the woods or camping even it’s to get the heck away from the internet and TV and for him to realize that needing that stuff is nonsense. We turn the phones off and they are in the truck in case of emergency. But It also goes with I don’t let him sit on the computer or games or TV. He can go out side and play ride his bike ride the dirt bike, build a fort. That or do chores

    I’d bet most people creating these videos are single with no kids. You don’t see kids fishing in the background of most these videos. They do it on their own time.

    I don’t take videos other than maybe my wife taking a video of me catching a fish with her phone. I’m active on Instagram simply for the fact I’d like people to see and understand the benefits of fishing/hunting and the outdoors.

    As for the kids, I’d argue its more about the 5 days a week you and your kids are not outdoors, they are at school, you’re at work. If you think you’re going to keep TV, internet, social media, ect. away from your kids 24/7, good luck. It will always be a touch away. Why not have them look at something outdoors, perhaps educational, which may strengthen their love for the outdoors. They may show a friend at school who hasn’t experienced the outdoors in such a way. Maybe their friend would like to try fishing after your kids shows them a video or post, then you have the opportunity to introduce newcomers (kids) to the outdoors. Heck, maybe a post will influence another parent who takes the advice and tips to introduce their children outdoors. The cycle continues…

    Social media is a powerful tool if used in the right way.

    Ryan Wilson
    Posts: 333

    I don’t know. I love fishing. I like watching others fish when I don’t have the opportunity to. Like previously mentioned, it’s just the new medium used. I like seeing other anglers tactics and the different styles of fishing. I also like being reminded that it doesn’t take my expensive gear to catch fish (although I love my expensive gear, I know it isn’t necessary). Some guys are just fun to watch and have a a great attitude towards the sport.

    One thing I absolutely can’t stand about everyone filming themselves is watching guys advocate dangerous/ illegal actions (either willingly or unaware). I remember one guy (tried to make a serious video) talking about ice thickness and he started jumping hard on early ice, ice was roughly 3-4 inches. He tried saying this was an acceptable way to check thickness. He was also over ~30 feet of water and I like watching these guys so I have a chance to tell them how to do things properly.

    I wish I had a handful of GoPro’s, spare batteries, and some ram mounts for my hub shelter. I’d totally make some videos for others to enjoy too. However, starting with zero video equipment, by the time I purchase everything I feel that I could spend that money better elsewhere on some better/ practical equipment like a Panoptics, some new TUCR’s or a much needed new ice suit. I have enough mobile Apple products to where I could make some decent multi-angled videos and a portable power box for charging but I don’t want $1,200 dollars worth of phones and tablets out on the ice that aren’t made for that environment (without spending more on protective equipment). I also like audio/video editing and I have a computer built specifically for that task.

    I also find it awesome that the average “Joe” fisherman can produce studio quality film with significantly little effort and for not much money. Same with music production. One can produce some serious audio/video projects these days for extremely cheap compared to professional audio/video gear.

    St. Paul
    Posts: 488

    Technology has changed. Anyone can buy professional grade equipment, film their conquests, and post the footage within a few hours. No longer are we relegated to scheduled network television on Saturday and Sunday mornings. Apparel and tackle companies are eager to push product to these young bucks filming, editing and turning around their experience into a commercial free, tightly bundled 20 minute video of fish porn, the next day. Are they exploiting fishy water? Possibly. Are they producing entertaining and educational content? Probably. Will I discontinue my exorbitant cable bill that handles three fishing/hunting channels? Yes.

    Posts: 3649

    uh,they dont have the qualifications to be a porn star?????

    Posts: 959

    I pulled out my iPhone to take a pic of a tiny, tiny fish……to razz the one who caught it as long as I could. Dropped my phone in 7′ of the big muddy and joke was on me. Wife was impressed, let me tell ya.

    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 3898

    I say to each their own. I’m more in the camp of being on the water to disconnect but that’s mainly because I need time to decompress. I do enjoy some of the amateur videos, though.

    I will say I use YouTube as a resource for a lot of stuff, especially home projects. It’s a great resource for projects I’m not super experienced in. My guess is non-fishermen do the same to get tips and tricks on fishing. I wonder if these same discussions happen on other boards where people have hobbies around woodworking, carpentry, auto repair, etc. I wonder their opinions on documenting everything.

    I guess my point is the videos can be a resource or entertainment but you choose whether it matters to you or not.

    St. Paul
    Posts: 488

    This kid is working hard, producing content.

    Princeton, MN
    Posts: 1297

    Grumpy old men= slip bobs favorite movie. Maybe we need a go pro video of the grandpas of Ido fisherman. Could give them a pot of fresh coffeee and ask their opinion of the Sylvia lake Decon site

    Jordan Weiler
    Posts: 69

    This kid is working hard, producing content.

    <div class=”oembed-wrap”><div class=”fluid-width-video-wrapper” style=”padding-top: 56.2353%;”><iframe src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/LtDdS1v2jmQ?feature=oembed&#8221; frameborder=”0″ allow=”autoplay; encrypted-media” allowfullscreen=”” id=”fitvid411605″></iframe></div></div>

    I watched a few of his videos when he was starting out. I think he has a filming and editing background so he has some very high quality videos. Some amazing hunting and fishing shots. Neat to watch instead of these “famous” youtubers who just push out clickbait and have 20 minutes of footage of a gopro strapped to their chest.

    Michael C. Winther
    Reedsburg, WI
    Posts: 1480

    I’m more in the camp of being on the water to disconnect but that’s mainly because I need time to decompress. I do enjoy some of the amateur videos, though.

    I go fishing because I want to go fishing, and when I’m driving 8-12 hours for it I’m not going to miss out on anything due to having my face in my phone/camera/etc. At the same time, I really enjoy having the video recordings and making/watching the videos later. I’ve done a few things to help me have the best of both worlds.

    1) Filming shouldn’t interfere with my fishing or comfort. For me, that has meant setting up my boat and cameras so that I can just fish and not worry about running the toys:
    – static mounts on boat for the cameras = no head or chest mounts
    – rigged wires to the USB plug for a charging system that works while the cameras are recording = way less changing batteries
    – use loop recording = no stopping to change memory cards. At the end of the day it takes 15 minutes to save the files to my computer.

    2) It can’t take up off-the-water time I’d rather spend doing other stuff. The raw footage from each season sits on my computer until mid-winter. A couple of cold dark weeknights in January or February are fine times to do some editing work.

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    and when I’m driving 8-12 hours for it I’m not going to miss out on anything due to having my face in my phone/camera/etc.

    Which is illegally anyway.

    Posts: 6689

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Michael C. Winther wrote:</div>
    and when I’m driving 8-12 hours for it I’m not going to miss out on anything due to having my face in my phone/camera/etc.

    Which is illegally anyway.

    Tom, he means the phone/camera/etc so not distract his FISHING. Not road time.

    Mendota Heights, MN
    Posts: 660

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Tom Sawvell wrote:</div>

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Michael C. Winther wrote:</div>
    and when I’m driving 8-12 hours for it I’m not going to miss out on anything due to having my face in my phone/camera/etc.

    Which is illegally anyway.

    Tom, he means the phone/camera/etc so not distract his FISHING. Not road time.


    Southern WI
    Posts: 933

    Jay has been at it LOOOOOOOOONNNNNGGG BEFORE Youtube was a thing… lol He literally started a channel very recently because he is GOOD AT IT! Also works with the top FISHING Channels on Youtube on the regular! But to chime in as it was a wonder to myself as well before I found myself in love with sharing my experiences and helping to educate the world around me of the wonders of the outdoors and just the plain process of it! You would be surprised to know that the hardest thing about it all is making sure that you have people enjoy what you put together and put out there… I also love how much information it allows people to learn these days as there is a channel for everyone type of outdoorsmen out there. But to keep it simple I as well as many others that do the youtube thing do it because we love the outdoors and filming… Not one more then the other! and the people that don’t truly love both fail at it and give up fairly quickly! I will end with this as well as some of my personal favorite Youtuber’s say every once and a while is this “What’s cool is when I’m old and forgetful I’ll get to look back at my life in digital HD quality and SMILE!”

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