Pro Structure Fishing Consultants

  • davec
    St. Paul MN.
    Posts: 438

    Does any one have any info. on Don Dickson student of E.L. Buck Perry.Don Dickson was a student of E.L. Buck Perry the god father of bass fishing and Don went on to teach Bucks methods.
    Don Dicksons company was or is Pro Stucture Fishing Consultants.
    I have done google searches for Don Dickson and come up blank.
    If you don’t know who E.L. Buck Perry is,do a google of E.L. Buck Perry and you will only get a taste of what this great angler gave to the fishing world.
    One method E.L. Buck perry used was a pattern wasn’t a pattern until he could diplicate it 1000 times,not for one or two bass but whole schools of large adult fish.
    Any help would be great about Don Dickson but most of us know E.L.buck Perry has passed away and probily change the way god fishes for bass.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Hey Dave, I know a guy who should have some info on him. I’ll check it out and post what I find either tonight or tomorrow depending on how soon I can connect with him. Thanks, Bill

    Posts: 240

    Don Dicskson was basically a student of Buck’s. Basically all he does is go around teaching structure fishing based on Buck’s information. The spoon plug is his main tool. I attended a couple of his seminars a few years back. They were okay, but nothing that you couldn’t get out of the books on structure fishing. Although some of the guys I met there that had fished with him swore he was the bomb. Especially the musky guys.

    St. Paul MN.
    Posts: 438

    I don’t spoonplug,because almost any time I made contact the bass swallowed the spoonplugs,bit I did cautch and realease some very nice deep water pike.
    Thanks for help,looking forward to see what Don is doing these days.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    My friend looked and can’t find any address or phone number but said he would keep looking.
    Thanks, Bill

    St. Paul MN.
    Posts: 438

    Thanks Bill,Perrys info. comes easy, it is Don Dickson that seems to have disappered, I wonder if he may have passed away?

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    I know in 1989 he made a tape on structure fishing and he didn’t seem that old then but you never know. I’ve done several searches and can’t find a thing so far. Thanks, Bill

    St. Paul MN.
    Posts: 438

    Me and a freind have the whole 12 tapes,they are great,and go back and review when I feel the things i’m doing are not working well for us ,but only use Bucks info. with modren style bass fishing.
    Bill, are there any spoonpluggers left fishing walleyes or did the trend fade away?

    Posts: 1

    I was one of Don’s helpers in his classes at Minaki Lodge in Kenora, Canada for several years. I also helped in FL at Yeehaw Junction, Lake Marion. I lived in Texas at the time. He would fly me up to the lodge and I would help with the courses. Don came to my house in Texas several times as I lived close by Lake Sam Rayburn. Don lives in Mount Dora, FL. He married Alice (Allie) and for a while he was in a long distance phone service. After that I lost contact with him. I moved back to Ohio where I currently reside. I’m not sure what he is currently into for a profession. His number is unlisted and there is no current number for ProStructure Fishing Consultants. Hope this helps some but probably not much. as Don would always say, “There is only way correct way to fish-Spoonplugging” Hope you all carry on with Buck’s techniques and methods. Remeber, when spoonpluggling and your not sure how many layers to run off-dump til you bump.


    Well, the reports of my demise have been highly exaggerated! Still here. Check out my website and follow my blog on or find me on Facebook @dondicksonfishing. Keeping Buck’s legacy alive and teaching a new generation of fishermen the TRUE FACTS concerning a fish and what it takes for you to catch ’em!

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