Guitar Players

  • moxie
    Sioux City,IA
    Posts: 874

    How long did it take for you to master the F chord? It just sounds horrible when I come across this chord in a song.

    Janesville, WI
    Posts: 402

    Barre chords are some of the toughest chords to get right. If you are playing an acoustic guitar, lighten your strings up one or two levels. If your strings are medium, go to med-light or even light. As you strengthen your hands, the chord will get better and you can return to heavier strings. If you are playing and electric guitar, your strings are already quite light and it is only a matter of strengthening your grip through practice. There are grip and finger exercise tools to work on each finger separately that work, but practicing progressively more difficult chords will do the same thing for you. Work those ring and pinkie fingers hard and your riffs will improve also.

    Sioux City,IA
    Posts: 874

    I have a steel string guitar(gift from mom) but don’t know the level of strings. That maybe my dilemma the strings are too heavy. I’ll remedy that.
    Thanks for the tip

    Holmen, WI
    Posts: 3605

    Nothing can replace good technique.


    mike ice
    Posts: 101

    Well I’m wouldn’t call myself a guitar player however my Bro is and is a perfectionist. I asked him about lessons several years ago and some of his first advice was: Finger exercises and proper striking of the fret bars. Apparently a lot of good musicians don’t hit the frets right but no one would ever know.
    He said I’d might as well learn the right away then have to fix bad habits later.

    Sioux City,IA
    Posts: 874


    If you are playing an acoustic guitar, lighten your strings up one or two levels. If your strings are medium, go to med-light or even light.

    Took it in to put lighter strings, it was like picking out fishing line. Anyhow this morning at church I asked the worship leader if I could play his guitar for a bit..and guess what, I could play the F chord with no problem, he also had steel strings.
    Thanks for the great advice, my guitar should be ready in a few days.

    Sioux City,IA
    Posts: 874

    Broadwaybod..Thanks for the tip, changed the strings to extra light. Playing with ease now and so much easier to on the fingers

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