Hook Sharpeners????

  • eyehuntr14
    SE WI
    Posts: 102

    Hi All, I’ve been trying to find some solid info on hook sharpeners! I’m looking for the one that’s best suited to small hooks. I mean 1/32 jigs down to ice jigs. I seen the Berkley electric and that might be nice for a guy’s regular jigs but I would what would really be nice is something that would work on ice jigs!!! I’m sure I’ve lost a few fish using your favorite jig after it’s caught numerous fish but never “touched up”! Any info would be great!!! GL to all this hunting season…be safe!!


    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18924

    I’ve not found a mechanical sharpener that does a good job on hooks. I really like the EZ Lap diamond files. They cost $6 – $7, last a long, long time and will put a killer point on any hook.


    If you don’t want to order online Fleetfarm carries them as well.

    SE WI
    Posts: 102

    TY James….I haven’t seen those yet. Can you actually get your tiniest ice jigs to sharpen on those? Even so, I might have to pick up a pack for all my regular jigs! TY again…


    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18924


    TY James….I haven’t seen those yet. Can you actually get your tiniest ice jigs to sharpen on those? Even so, I might have to pick up a pack for all my regular jigs! TY again…


    I’ve not tried it on #14 – #20 micros but this style sharpener works great on the 3 largest sizes of gill pills or diamond jigs. Once things get smaller than that I can’t comment.

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    I have a bunch of the eze-lap stones around the house and they are sweet. Yes they’ll work on small jigs.

    Cedar Falls, Iowa
    Posts: 642

    I think I have the ez-lap model S and it works great. I use it a lot after getting snagged, works great for cleaning up that little curl on the point. Haven’t use it on ice jigs, but it should work fine. I wouldn’t even consider a battery powered one.

    Eden Prairie
    Posts: 857


    I’ve not found a mechanical sharpener that does a good job on hooks. I really like the EZ Lap diamond files. They cost $6 – $7, last a long, long time and will put a killer point on any hook.


    If you don’t want to order online Fleetfarm carries them as well.

    They come in multiple grit sizes; which one/ones do you find work best for hooks??


    SE WI
    Posts: 102

    I think I’m sold as that’s the most positive info I’ve found on any sharpener! This is why I love this site!! TY and if anyone has another sharpener they want to “endorse”, please chime in…


    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18924


    They come in multiple grit sizes; which one/ones do you find work best for hooks??


    For walleye sized hooks I use the LF – Red Handle. For smaller hooks or if I really want to put a wicked point on a hook that I ‘roughed in’ with the LF I opt for the LSF – Blue Handle.

    Posts: 3835

    I like these stones too and another good thing to have is a hemistat to hold the jig while you are sharpening it.

    SE WI
    Posts: 102

    Hey Guy’s…I want to order these today and was wondering if anyone has tried the pocket sharpeners like the Model C or the Model S ????? These look like they might even better for small-micro jigs/hooks…just wanting to make the right purchase the first time around. Thanx to y’all this was quite a helpful thread!!


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