High water fishing success??

  • greg
    Posts: 108

    Hi…we fished Sunday for quite a while in this high water (pool 8) and only got 5 largemouths (all around 12″). Caught them on plastic worms in patches of flooded grass. I was just wondering if anyone else has had any success lately? Or has it been rather tough as well?




    I had a client out on Saturday and it was very tough. We were pre-fishing for a bass tournament. We got one largemouth and two smallmouth. It seemed like the bass were very passive on Saturday. Most of the other guys we knew fishing on Saturday had a tough day as well. I didnt see any bass chasing bait at all. I think when the river rises almost a foot in 2 days in tends to shut them down. We got our fish on chompers and spinnerbaits.

    Steve HougomFTR Webstaff

    Posts: 108

    Chompers spider grubs? Great bait, but I can’t handle the stench!! LOL We avoided current–it was just too powerful! I would have expected to catch a few smallies around the laydowns on the Western side of the West Channel, but we didn’t get anything!! Flooded brush didn’t hold any bass either. It was just flooded grass in one area…I’m not telling where!! ahh ha ha ha J/K LOL!! (they were small bass anyway) It was in Pettibone Park.


    Yeah those garlic things, they reek! We were in Pettibone park on Saturday and to be honest that was the best water I saw all day. Kind of felt like we were sneaking around in someones pond!

    Steve HougomFTR Webstaff

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