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  • gisvold
    Norway Iowa
    Posts: 49

    Total it. Suppose everything gets fixed “correctly” can you really trust it? Push hard for a new one.


    Norway Iowa
    Posts: 49

    No notable differences in power or performance

    Norway Iowa
    Posts: 49

    Having become a Concealed Weapon Carrier in Iowa recently I believe it is the right of everyone to protect themselves. There is nothing that says law enforcement has obligation to protect you.. I recently joined to help me understand Concealed Carry. If for no other reason the subscription is worth it for this to give to the officer responding…

    In 9 pt Arial font, this will fit on a business card using the Business Card 3612 template:

    If I have given this to you, it has been necessary to take actions to defend innocent life. I am willing to sign a criminal complaint against the perpetrators(s). I will point out witnesses and evidence.
    As you may have experienced yourself, this is a stressful and traumatic experience for me. Therefore, I wish to make no further statements until I have contacted an attorney and composed myself. I also do not consent to any searches. I will cooperate fully once I have consulted with an attorney and calmed down. As a lawfully armed citizen, I ask for the same courtesy that you would show a fellow officer who was involved in a similar situation.
    Thank you for your understanding.

    Don’t forget you have just committed the ultimate act of self defense and YOU WILL need help.


    Norway Iowa
    Posts: 49

    It is not real good for sensitive electronics to be left in the sun under a cover or out in the open to roast when not in use. Your unit will last longer if you bring it in after each use. Sure you can leave it on all the time, but hey each to their own.


    Norway Iowa
    Posts: 49

    As far as changing oil goes, it should be done when the engine is still warmed up, cold oil tends to be “sticky” and won’t drain out as completely as warm oil does. Here is a location that talks about “making oil”

    Hope this helps.


    Norway Iowa
    Posts: 49

    I would say, to avoid any headaches, purchase a manual r go to they have a great forums section for all makes of motors. They are very helpful.


    Norway Iowa
    Posts: 49

    Hello all,
    I work for a large Eastern Iowa appliance manufacturer, in the design group. Yes, like several others have said it is OK to transport them on theit back, just stand them up for a while before you plug them in. Maike sure you don’t mash up anything, like coils etc on the back. If it’s not new it is a good time to blow out the coil at the bottom. Actually to fill a semi trailer, the set a row of them on their backs on top of the ones standing.


    Norway Iowa
    Posts: 49

    Try a small piece of aluminum foil taped over, around it.


    Norway Iowa
    Posts: 49

    I have found that when fishing walleye below the “tube” in Coralville, Iowa. That anything you use to targegt walleyes will get you all the sewer bass you want, cranks especially wally divers, mepps spinners. They fight likehell buta re a pain in the … _):


    Norway Iowa
    Posts: 49

    Well I got what I wanted, a lively spirited debate about a very important subject and intelligent to boot. I am not being scarcastic either. I do fimly believe that putting a dirty unsterile needle into a fish in this case is not healthy for the already stressed fish, I saw one article where they talked about cleaning the large bore needle out with a bottom bouncer…anyway my compliments to everyone for their input. I still say it is a death sentence for the fish. Good luck!!!!


    Norway Iowa
    Posts: 49

    Thanks Lenny. Abrasive? I assume you were talking about me,Lee, no problem I have been called worse by better. Any way I stand by my opinion of fizzing. As far as the “flaming” goes when I see one person make a comment about my research and then another gives him a pat on the back about his opinion of what I was saying, it does not sit well with me. As far as what Lenny said at least he went out and tried to back his opinion with research. If you read the like artical it days DO NOT remove them from the water but get them back ASAP, or don’t fish that deep. You have read the research now the decision is yours to evaluate as a TRUE sportsman.


    Norway Iowa
    Posts: 49

    Bass, or walleyes, makes no difference fish are fish, here’s one from South Dakota Wildlife division concerning walleye.
    Does letting gas out of the gas bladder with a needle, or “fizzing” a fish, improve a fish’s chances of surviving?

    A fish that is unable to remain upright in the water because it is severely stressed and/or has an over-inflated gas bladder, stands a poor chance of surviving, if released. “Fizzing” is a process where gas is released from the gas bladder of a fish by inserting a needle in the side of the fish and puncturing the gas bladder. While helping a fish regain it’s ability to return to the bottom of the lake, many fish that are “fizzed” end up dying within a few days of release, from the stress of being caught and handled. There is also the likelihood that when you insert the needle into the side of a fish you will damage internal organs such as the kidney or intestines. Just because a fish swims towards the bottom doesn’t mean it will survive.

    OK, I have given you two wildlife biologists opinion on fizzing and the high mortality rate. Show me two opinions that it is OK to jab a dirty needle into a living creature with no understanding of their anatomy in the hope of getting the needle placement correct.


    Norway Iowa
    Posts: 49

    LOL, I was NOT trying to turn this into a “Flame” but the two “pros” seem to know more than the biologists. I respect the fish and fisherman here. What I do not like is to be Flamed instanly. The best way to preseve these fish is NOT to fish them so deep. So have fun “Flaming” me because I stated a fact that the two “pros” don’t like. So the best way to take care of the other persons fact finding is to “Flame” him….ok boyz…..burn me good.


    Norway Iowa
    Posts: 49

    I have 2 Corgis’s that love to go with me and they wear life jackets. Eddie the older one sits back by me when we are moving. His stepbrother needs more training, but they both are back with me ( I have a 15hp tiller). Yes they can swim, but with the extra fur coat weighing them they can’t swim as far as we think. More importantly I really have to keep and eye on they when dock, the little guy wants to hang over the side, now that could ugly?


    Norway Iowa
    Posts: 49

    Here my stance on fizzing:
    Fizzing of Fish
    Fish caught and quickly removed from deep water often show signs of depressurization. The most obvious signs of depressurization are an over-inflated swim bladder, erratic swimming behavior, the inability to submerge when released, and/or red on the edges of the tail, dorsal fin, and/or mouth. Death can result from gas embolisms, predation or exposure if fish are unable to re-submerge, or from internal organ damage.

    “Fizzing,” or artificial swim bladder deflation, is sometimes used in an attempt to increase the survival of fish that show signs of depressurization. The procedure involves puncturing the gas bladder through the musculature of the fish using a sharp object such as a hypodermic needle.

    The New Hampshire Fish and Game Department’s Position on Fizzing:
    There is currently no law prohibiting anglers from fizzing bass in NH. However, based on a review of the available literature on fizzing, the NH Fish and Game Department does not advocate the use of fizzing, pending further evaluation and research.

    There are a number of reasons not to fizz bass. During fizzing, there is an increased chance of infection to the fish and the potential to pierce other internal organs. Additionally, although the most obvious sign of rapid depressurization is an over inflated swim bladder, there is also internal damage that occurs to the brain and heart (as a result of gas bubbles in the blood). Damage to the brain and heart is often the cause of death in these fish and fizzing will not correct for this type of injury.

    In order to avoid bass mortality due to rapid depressurization, the best practice is to not fish for bass in deep water. If deep waters are fished, fish should be released immediately (paper tournament), as many fish are able to re-submerge when released within 1 to 2 minutes. Additionally, there are other release techniques besides fizzing available for releasing fish caught from deep water;

    The only thing fizzing does is kill fish, and it makes us feel better that we tryed to “help” these doomed fish.


    Norway Iowa
    Posts: 49

    One of the more important things Iv’e found is to have your outlet spray run parallel to the bottom, pushing water from end to end. That way water is creating current to push water over the fishes gills. You can do it with PVC or a hose with holes drilled in it. Hitting their gills straight on is more important than an umbrella spray type.

    Norway Iowa
    Posts: 49

    LOL..Could ya narrow it down a bit, there’s alot of river.


    Norway Iowa
    Posts: 49

    I went to one of Doc Samsons schools in January, those were some of the topics covered. Yes you can record to the HD, you need the chip to get it back and forth to your PC or a serial connection. You get 1 minute to 1 meg of information.


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