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  • Brewer
    Posts: 10

    We got a little later start than expected, but still got about 3.5 hours on the water. Slow start. It took us a while to find fish. Ended up drifting and dragging jog/minnow in 12-14 feet near rocks. Caught a couple walleye and one really nice northern

    Posts: 10

    Thanks for all the advice! As was suggested, we’re going to fish Sunday instead due to the wind. I’ll report back on how the day goes.

    Posts: 10

    Thanks for the info Jon. We’ll stop at Lundeens when we get up there. I saw your posted about trolling for pike. We’ll definitely give that a shot. That’s a good point about the appearance of walleye fishing. Probably best not to risk it. Any thoughts on depth for fishing with tube jigs? I’ll post our results.

    Posts: 10

    The article says they seized his truck and bow. Do they give them back? Or do they become DNR property?

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