Spinner bait fun.

  • fredbart
    St. Paul
    Posts: 372

    I read this report last night and thought it might be time!

    Frogs, Frogs, and more Frogs.
    The migration has started and that means my favorite time of the year is here.
    The topwater frogging bite.
    Time to catch the biggest bass of the year as they have the feedbag on trying to fatten up on the easy pickins.

    Lets see, off Monday and forecast light winds. I am SO getting out froggin tomorrow

    After reading the above report last night I knew it was time! I spent today with a friend fishing Chisago. This time of year I really enjoy chucking spinnerbaits close to shore and have done really well in the past. Easy fishing. cover lots of water and always some nice fishing.

    Today was no difference. working a variety of shore stuctures I ended up with an easy 25 fish day. Most of these bass were on the small side, however I did get a couple of fish in the upper two pound range.

    Keep in mind that when fishing spinnerbaits making minnor adjustments can make all the difference between a ok day-my fishing buddy- or a really good day for me.

    Fishing spinner baits to shore I worked to minimize the splash when the lure hit the water. I would engage the reel just before the lure hit beginning my retrieve immediatly. This got the lure working right away as well as more effectively triggered fish tight on shore.

    Dont be afraid to make a little bulge when retrieving the lure. In the very shallow water I would retrieve the lure so that it would slightly bulge on the surface. As the lure came off the shallow stucture I would sometime kill the bait getting a nice verticle flutter or show down in order the fish a little deeper. These litte changes made a huge difference.

    Another nice trick was to switch off trailers, most of the fish I got came on a tandem willow or colorado blade with the BFishN 5 inch grub behind. I did cut this down earlier in the morning, but as the water warmed it didnt seem to matter as much. The added bulk made a alot of difference.

    I also cut the skirt down alittle, this highlighted the trailer as well.

    Have fun!

    St. Paul
    Posts: 372


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