Lots of choices, little time?

  • BShimp
    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 95

    Hey Guys,

    I am taking my bro fishing this Saturday. Not sure where to head. Pool 2 is closet, don’t know it very well. Pool 3/ Croix is fairly close and I know the Croix well, Pool 4 is farthest and I have only fished it a couple times. Generally, this time of the year would you say a similar bite occurs at pool 4,3 and 2? If it is going good in pool 4 should’t the fish be behaving similarily at the other pools (moving upstream towards the dam, sitting in wintering holes, etc)? I haven’t seen many post on pool 3 or 2. Anyone been out? Thanks for the input.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1402

    All pools will show similar patterns in fish movements to the dam areas, wingdams and deep water holes on the main river channel. The nice thing about pool 4 is the sauger are thick this time of year in the upper part of the river, not sure if the other pools have the poulation of sauger that pool 4 has. Lake Pepin is a fish factory.

    Fishing has been good on pool 4 in the dam area, walleye and sauger are being caught vertical jigging an assortment of baits right now. If you go to 4 put in at Everts Resort, Steve will steer you in the right direction for some action

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    its kind of funny… the dams on pool 2 and 3 are kind of shallow.. but there IS a run of fish that hit them… pool 2’s dam seems to have WAY more smaller fish than decent fish… but a fall bite can be awesome for numbers if not size…. if the fish are in the holes and they should be.. then I would check the airport for sure, it should have some fish on it right now.. pay particular attention to the channel edge across from the airport.. thats where the wing dams lay…. on the pool 3 dam… Ive done well there some falls… again.. numbers can be tremendous… but size can sometimes let you down… but pool 3 will have more larger fish than pool 2’s dam as a general rule.. and darn few boats out there competing for them…. pool 4 will be BUSY… which will probably affect the bite… it did when we fished it Tuesday….. but there will be LOTS of fish caught there… the population of fish in pool 4 is staggering, mind boggling.. and its a very consistant bite….

    Jack Naylor
    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 5668

    HI RiverEyes,
    that is a pretty good 3 pool comparison, sure can’t argue fish numbers in pool 4 for the next 5 months especially. Jack.

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