Pool 9

  • Beaver
    Posts: 229

    Fished Pool 9 on Saturday after wasting all morning in a tree in the fog. Caught several walleyes and a smallie along with some sheepshead all on wingdams. The fish were on top from the middle out. 1/8 ounce jigs and ring worms or larger ribbon tail worms worked the best.


    Posts: 176

    Beaver, do you fish ringworms all year long, spring, summer and fall?

    Posts: 229

    Yup, especially when the current is light and I need something with some bulk in order to get a good drift. I think that I always have at least one rod rigged with a ringworm.

    Take last week for example…..I and others were catching some fish drifting and vertical jigging a contour. I was using tubes and Super-Dos, other guys were using blade baits and other types of jigs. Around late morning the bite slowed down but the fish were still showing up on the locator. So instead of a vertical approach, I slowed my drift down and started casting worms up shallow on the break and working them down. First 2 drifts I caught 5 fish. There’s just something about that jig/worm combo that puts fish in the boat. Not all the time, but any time you’re shallower that 20 feet, it’s worth a try. I know a few guys that even use them on heavy jigs on Dubuque rigs and catch fish that way.


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