Pool 5 report

  • fireflick
    Alma WI
    Posts: 875

    I am finally back on line. Where have I been? Well my family and I moved home. We moved back home to Alma, WI. We were living about 25 miles north of Alma. Now I can be on the water even more. I finally got the last of the unpacking done and went out to see if Pool 5 was still there. Yep! It sure was, but where did all the fish go. Wasn’t it just two weeks ago that we were catching 100 fish a day? I worked the dam area and down river for the first 2 miles. Either I am out of practice for not being on the river for the last two weeks or I can’t find any fish. I did talk to 4 other boats and they too have not been cathching anything. Seagulls? Oh my I have never seen so many up by the dam. I bet there was at least 1000 of them. Not an exaggeration. I decided to go up there and try to fish under the seagulls. They were pulling shad up that were about 4″ long. I pulled nothing out from under them. I decided to get out of there because it started snowing big white drops. WAIT! That is not snow falling. The skies are clear! I will let you figure that one out. For the next couple of week, depending on weather, I will be on pool 4 so maybe I will see some of you guys again.

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