tagged walleye

  • walleyefarm1
    Posts: 63

    Today on pool 14 of the miss. i caught a 20.5 inch walleye and got to looking and under the bottom jaw there was a small green tag implanted with a number on it. is this something the dnr want reported to them or is something from Com Ed. Just wondering what it was for and if i should report it to someone.

    Northwest Illinois
    Posts: 1251

    I’m not sure about a green tag. I’ll see what I can find out though. Leave some fish for me! I will be off the water for at least a week .

    Posts: 103

    The Iowa DNR is tagging walleye in Pool 13 with the type of tag that you describe in order to get population estimates. If you can read the number and call it in to 563-872-4976, they can send you some info on when and where it was tagged, length, wt, etc.

    Posts: 63

    Called the Ia Dnr and they found the number i gave them on the computer. this particular fish was released from bellevue tailwaters in the fall of 2001 was 14.7 inched long and when caught on last sunday it was 20.5 inches long. And made it south through lock and dam 13 about 2 miles. The guy i talked to thought that was good growth for the amount of movement it did. These people are sure happy to find this info out so look under there jaw for a really small greeen tag and help out the dnr

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    Posts: 2063

    I have also seen the same tags that were either pink or orange, can’t remember which now. They’re embedded in the skin right under the bottom jaw.

    Cedar Falls, IA
    Posts: 380

    That kinda cool to find out where they tagged the fish and where you caught it and what kinda growth it has.

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    Posts: 2063

    The one with the pink/orange tag was caught on Clear Lake, Ia – not much mystery about where it came from, but still cool to find out how old it was.

    Last year, guys were talking about fish on P14 that were ‘branded’ with a freeze-iron. It sounded like there was a deformation of the scales down the side behind the fin. I’ve looked at some of the eyes since then, but am not sure I could pick it out if I had one.

    Northwest Illinois
    Posts: 1251

    The branded fish are almost all released on pool 14 and 13 from the nuclear power plant’s stocking program here on 14. I have heard of some being caught down river a couple pools though! Also heard of one on pool 11, but not sure about that one.

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    Posts: 2063

    Well, I’m planning to make it over to the river the weekend of the 25th, can’t say yet which pool. I’d considered going over to Clinton yesterday, but went panfishing instead, figuring the near-Biblical rains in Minnesota had the river dirtied up yet.

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