Pool 2 fishing

  • mudlnthru
    Posts: 199

    Anyone been out on pool 2 during the past couple of days? We’re trying to pick a spot…. 494 access or Hidden Falls. With the latest “spring happy weather” I’m not sure what’s going on and haven’t been on either part in quite awhile.

    Any thoughts?

    Champlin, Mn
    Posts: 2128


    Check out my report from last Friday for starters.

    The river has “grown” 2 foot in the last day in a half and this may change the ball game a little.

    My top guess for hidden falls area may be getting into the marinas early am or evening with jig/minnow and slowly longline around in here. This is perfect timing for this approach and have a good shot at some nice fish.

    The confluence area will be seeing considerably more current than last week due to the rising water levels, but the current breaks in this area should give up a few fish as well.

    Everything south of the Minn River has gotten a little muddy and success has slowed. With all the rising water, go shallow. The water temps are getting into prime time and should start seeing females in these areas.

    I will be out tonight.

    Good Luck

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 95

    I didn’t fish Pool 2 but checked out the landings and noticed that below the confluence the river was muddy. Lily lake ramp was snow covered except for a strip where vehicle tires ran. Hidden Falls was good and the water considerably cleaner. Hwy 494 ramp was also ok. Very few boats out but noticed a couple at the confluence. River stage didn’t look to bad but the current was flowing pretty good. Still lots of exposed bank so I don’t think it up too high. I’m heading out Friday to see if the big mamas are around.

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