Pool 4 Report

  • OldCoot
    Cedar Rapids, IA
    Posts: 50

    Fished Friday and Saturday with limited success spent more than half the day looking for a bite away from the crowds in area’s down river that have produced in the past. We never found a bite that was better than what was happening at the dam. We ended up fishing near the dam with limited success. Friday produced 7 eaters and Saturday we ended with 6. All in all a tough bite for my boat with no real pattern established.

    How long will the pre-spawn bite continue? I am planning to come back up in two weeks for 3 more days of fishing. Will the bite still be hapenning and will the fishing down river have picked up by then?

    big dad
    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 238

    Managed to get away for about 4 hours today – primarily a test run for new motor (which so far is holding together)
    Fished a limited amount of time in four different spots – saw a few fish caught (all near the dam) and managed to catch a fat belly sauger that was only 18″ long and weighed 3.7#

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