Drill bits and ditty poles

  • mossydan
    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Ever get into a spot where it would be nice to set a dittypole but the waters too deep with current or shallow and on the wrong side of the logjam. Heres what we do sometimes. We find a big, already (dead tree) log and drill into it with a 1 1/4″ wood drill bit. This would be a log in the river and dead. Then we set our ditty pole into the drilled hole and wahla a new place to set a ditty pole. Once in awhile we find a good spot and the waters eigther too shallow for a dittypole along the bank or its something else like theres too much current on oneside of the log and not on the other. We just drill that hole with a cordless drill and an extension for the bit to get it into the dead log far enough so the dittypole won’t come out and we’ve got a new place to fish. You can also drill a smaller hole into the bottom portion of the dittypole and tie a string through it then eigther wrap it around the log or drive a nail into it to tie your dittypole off so the fish don’t take it. If its in a real good spot for big flatheads you can use a doorspring and tie that to your pole then tie your hook leed to that, they help in keeping those big flatheads on the hook. You have to find a log that won’t roll or is anchored to the shore so its not going to move. Sometimes its a very good spot and a long log and we drill a few holes and set our poles in each hole. Always use a big swivel above each hook to keep the catfish from twisting or rolling the line up into a knot so he can get off. This is a couple tricks we use to fish an area where we wouldn’t be able to otherwise. If the logs dead its not defacing a live tree on a state owned riverway. Try it sometime because it works.

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