Ranger seats in a Skeeter

  • mnwalleyehunter
    Posts: 108

    Anyone know if I can de-badge a ranger boat seat? I found a pretty good deal on 2 of them, but they have the Ranger decal on the top of the seat and then on the bottom. Any way to de-badge them to put them in my skeeter?

    Posts: 15920

    I guess it would depend on what/how the Ranger badges are applied…if it’s a sticker, i’m sure you could have some Skeeter cover-ups made, if sewn in, you’re looking at an expensive fix that probably cancels out the initial savings… My suggestion would be to remain patient and keep an eye on craigslist and ebay, Skeeter seats always seem to pop up…That’s how I got my extra seats…saved a ton $$ over buying new…

    Art Green
    Posts: 733

    You could always check if Great Lakes Skipper has something you like that has no badging.

    Kurt Turner
    Kasson, MN
    Posts: 578

    Be careful… Reminds me of the time I put a Yamaha T8 kicker next to an ETech 225. Even went as far as painting and decals on the T8. Strange things happened between those two. Kinda poltergeist like things… Skeeter with Ranger seats? I dunno… Just messing with you but I’m curious why you don’t care for the Skeeter seats. I never thought Ranger seats were that special. Kurt

    Posts: 108

    The only reason I’m thinking about doing it is because a set of skeeter seats is about $450. And I can’t find used seats anywhere. I found this seat of ranger seats that the color actually matches my boat for $100 with the pedestals. So if I could get these ranger seats, to not be ranger seats, it would be a win win.

    Shell Rock Iowa
    Posts: 3012

    The only reason I’m thinking about doing it is because a set of skeeter seats is about $450. And I can’t find used seats anywhere. I found this seat of ranger seats that the color actually matches my boat for $100 with the pedestals. So if I could get these ranger seats, to not be ranger seats, it would be a win win.

    When somebody asks about your seats. Just tell them it was a special order to get the Ranger logo applied. They will think you must be a great fisherman to be sponsored by both Ranger and Skeeter. :>) :>)

    Gary Sanders
    Lake Wisconsin
    Posts: 434

    The Ranger seats aren’t any cheaper. It sounds like a heck of a deal for quality seats. The printed logo on the back of the seat can certainly be removed, and you could put a custom opaque “Skeeter” logo decal over the headrest badge. Probably cost you $30 bucks to have stickers made and a little elbow grease to rub off the printed logo on the back of the seat.See attached:

    What color are the seats? I might buy them if you don’t.

    1. 811_Day_2_slot_31.jpg

    2. 811_Day_2_slot_3.jpg

    3. 810_IMG_04160.jpg

    Kurt Turner
    Kasson, MN
    Posts: 578

    That is a deal that’d be hard to pass up. I think I’d find a way to de badge the Ranger logo.

    Posts: 1501

    Why rebadge them…. who cares.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 16231

    Drape a raincoat over the back, sit on the seat and go fishing. Anybody doesn’t like it drop them on the dock.

    Posts: 15920

    I can tell you as a diehard Skeeter owner, I wouldn’t be caught dead with anything “Ranger” on my boat….

    Posts: 406

    Why rebadge them…. who cares.


    Unless you have Skeeter as a sponsor whats the big deal. I would think a attempt to rebadge the seats would make them look worse then a miss matched vendor name.

    Posts: 15920

    I guess it would depend on how quickly you “need” the seats…While 2 Ranger seats with posts for $100 sounds like an absolute steal (I would buy and rebadge them), if you’re willing to wait and search online every day, Skeeter seats do come up for sale on Craigslist and ebay, the problem is they sell almost instantly because you’re not the only one looking for extra seats.

    Here’s a new “older” style seat on ebay for $150 – http://www.ebay.com/itm/Skeeter-Folding-Fishing-Chair-/291116663398?pt=Boat_Parts_Accessories_Gear&hash=item43c7e7c266&vxp=mtr

    I remember seeing a Yellow/Black skeeter seat on ebay a few months ago for like $100….I got my extra seats for less than $75 a few years ago…Deals do show up, just gotta be ready to jump on them…

    Posts: 7348

    De-badge em if the price is right.

    In every other aspect of life I could give a poo less for brands, but man when it comes to a guys fishing boat that’s a hard one to overcome. Just bad mojo. Good luck either way.

    Posts: 830

    I know Goo Gone or Goof Off works to take the silk screen letters off vinyl. Brake Clean also works very well. Put on a good vinyl conditioner afterwards because the products may dry out the vinyl. Brake clean is more apt to do that that the others.

    Posts: 1501

    I can tell you as a diehard Skeeter owner, I wouldn’t be caught dead with anything “Ranger” on my boat….

    IMO that’s sad

    Duluth, Mn
    Posts: 306

    Ranger seats would look real weird with Skeeter badges. I’d buy them and use how they are if you need some seats and not worry about the name on them.

    Posts: 15920

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>JoeMX1825 wrote:</div>
    I can tell you as a diehard Skeeter owner, I wouldn’t be caught dead with anything “Ranger” on my boat….

    IMO that’s sad

    and you know what they say about opinions…

    Posts: 547

    It’s a boat for gods sake not a show car or truck..put your life vests over the seats and go fishing..I’m assuming that’s why you bought a boat!!!

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