Heads up to hunters

  • Beaver
    Posts: 229

    First of all, good luck and a safe hunt to all who venture in the woods this weekend.

    Second, be prepared. With temps in the 50’s and 60’s, it doesn’t take meat long to rot. Plan on grabbing a bunch of ice to stuff the cavity of your deer when you are done registering it. I will be registering my deer (if I’m lucky enough) then immediately skinning it and cutting it up and bringing it home in coolers. A ride home on top of your car in warm weather will put a bad stink on your meat. Make sure and plan accordingly or you’ll be tossing out your venison. Pack the body cavity with ice, wrap it in a tarp and find someplace cool to put it if you can,t cut it up right away.


    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    Hey Beav,

    Just like to wish you good luck this season as well! Your advice is good and I can only add one thing to it…………………if it’s within your capabilities to do so, skip the opener, go fishing, and hunt from Tuesday after! The weather is set to change and the deer will be much more active with the more “normal” weather now that the coats have thickened up. MN report from co-workers is that the deer were really inactive.

    Dad and I talked it over and for the first time ever, we’re bringing the boat to the “deer shack” and fishing the opener. We figured that will also give us a “mandatory” second week together in the great outdoors! I realize, this may not be the solution for everybody, but in our area we feel confident to do this and still fill out. Only been skunked twice since 1984 and there’s no shortage of available bucks again this year.

    Good luck all!

    Posts: 922

    Good luck to everyone out there this weekend, and be safe! I don’t think I will have to worry about packing my cold weather gear this weekend. LOL.

    Chippewa Valley (Dunnville Bottoms)
    Posts: 1370

    Blaze Orange shorts and a T shirt should do it this opener.Hey Stillakid2 does “still fill out” mean keeping a limit? LOL Seriously everyone please be safe as I would like to meet up at next years get-together with everyone. For catch and release hunting just say BANG really loud.


    This is one of the reasons I gave up all forms of deer hunting. We’ve had above normal temps the past few years that make deer hunting a real pain. Hunters that plan on doing deer drives really need to watch it as well because over exertion can lead to big problems. If you do hunt, sit in a stand like a sniper and dont move. Its not as hard on you and you will probably be more successful that way anyhow. I remember how wearing glasses during warm hunts was a pain when your constantly fogging up from sweating too much. And speaking of fog, it sure was this am, so Id expect the same things tommorrow. I think Stillakid2 is wise by skipping a few days and going fishing, traditions can be broken especially if youre using your head. Please be safe and be careful out there.

    Steve HougomFTR Webstaff

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