Pool 2 494

  • 9joey1
    Posts: 2

    I only have a few hours to fish on Friday. I have fished Red Wing before but never pool 2. I was wondering if someone could help me and tell me how to get to the “airport” spot from the south saint paul 494 landing? I have never been on this part of the river but I definitely need to get out one more time. Any tips suggestions is much appreciated. thanks, Joe

    Circle Pines, MN
    Posts: 608

    From the launch, go up river and there is a “Y” in the river. Stay to the left, the right goes up to Pigs Eye Lake. Follow the red cans up to the swing train bridge, once under the swing bridge, there will be four red cans….you are there. The airport is on the left side of the river, you will know when the first jet comes in…..hahahaha.
    Fish the airport side of the cans, thats the main channel, deep water, jigs, 3 ways, troll cranks. The inside of the cans has wingdams, fish them with jigs or throw cranks, or hair. Just have to find out what works.

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