NBAA Tournaments

  • jason-cyboron
    Lincoln, NE
    Posts: 487

    I made a last minute effort last spring to start up a Kansas NBAA Division. NBAA is the National Bass Anglers Association. I’m going to give it a try again next spring. This year I didn’t get a chance to list it an any papers or anything. This year I will. I’m running a weeknight division in the Lincoln, Nebraska area that has been pretty succesfull. We’ve averaged 7 team a night on our weeknight series (12 week season). Next week will be our last regular tournament and the Championship. If anyone would like to do this in your area of Kansas let me know. I’ll help get you set up. As tournament directors you get some good benifits and Team Skeeter boat deals. You also automatically qualify for the special directors tournament at the national championships. As of right now I plan to run my weekend division on Milford Lake. The season will run for 5 tournaments. If you know of anyone who might be interested in this let them know. If you have any suggestions that might get more people involved let me know. I would be happy to email you more information about the NBAA.


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