Its Official – Moving to Florida

  • mplspug
    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25025

    Yeah I know, but this as close as I have ever been to one. I was literally a couple feet from the fence. I know they play dead and I could tell that when scared, instead of fleeing, these guys freeze. Its not hard to imagine why so many get run over.

    We saw three that night. Every time the neighbors dogs would bark, one would appear at the corner of the fence and start walking away from that neighbor’s yard. I’m hoping that they take care of some of the undesirable mammals running around.

    Interesting fact. Gray squirrels eat lizards.

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11714

    Growing up, one lived under our deck. I used to regularly peer into our patio door at night. )

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25025

    I wonder what is (presumably) dumber, a opossum or a armadillo. I still haven’t seen a live armadillo, but I have seen dozens on the side of the road looking like blown tread from a small semi. They must breed like rabbits, otherwise I don’t know how they aren’t extinct.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25025

    I picked up a Florida Freshwater fishing regulation book yesterday at the DMV. It’s magazine style with 32 pgs (mn 92 pgs), mostly pictures, tips and information about Fishing management areas. Pretty straight forward.

    Bag limits for panfish (50) and speckled perch (crappie(25)) seem a bit excessive, but I am not surprised. You are also allowed to have 2 days worth of bag limits in possession, meaning technically you could have 100 panfish and 50 crappies in the freezer.

    Bass is the normal 5. 3 regional regs on them. South you can only have 1 bass over 14″??? Central all bass under 14″ must be released immediately. Northwest all bass 12″ or less released immediately.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25025

    Used the search function when it was brought up in the other topic and did a nostalgic run through it. This is funny…

    Sorry if I am boring you, but I have to ” talk” to someone. The ladies are tired of the lizard talk.

    It’s the opposite now. I’m not sure how many we have named, but Cranky Frankie has been here since day 1. He used to just watch his territory from the gutter, but that has expanded to the patio.

    The frog returned after a long hiatus and looks to have gained some size.

    Found out that feeding crickets to the lizards is quite entertaining. Sept 1 will be the 2 year anniversary. No regrets! We only get one spin on this carousel.

    Mendota Heights, MN
    Posts: 660

    I used to catch the 1-2.5″ baby lizards and feed them to the fish in our aquarium(oscar, cichlid, pacu, compressiceps). Very entertaining. Congrats, sounds like you are embracing the experience!

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