It’s almost here!

  • schlankki
    otsego, mn
    Posts: 121

    awesome show tom tell the truth brother. I think i’m going to sell my vex for one of those marcums they have alot of power hahaha lmao jk. over all it was a good show

    Posts: 39

    I watched it last night at 10 on fox and I didn’t care for it. The hole show is a 30 minute commercial. I switched it after a couple minutes then came back and they were still going on about vex flasdhers and for as many times as they talked about how more power is a bad thing they must be awful worried about marcum. Let’s see lowrance, humminbird and marcum all use way more power and offer better performance stats. when a company has to resort to 30 minute shows pushing their stuff things miust be bad!

    Posts: 39

    PS- the weather is way too warm to be talking about ice. I’m spending all my time up in trees getting spotted by does. Ice will come just give me enough time to find a deer worth shooting then the ice gear comes out.

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