Lazer Hand Augers

  • birdman
    Lancaster, WI
    Posts: 483

    I’ve always considered the Lazer Hand Auger to be one of the finest hand augers ever made. Recently, (this year) I learned that the augers are now being made in China instead of Sweden. I personally know of two people who have purchased the Chinese augers and had a terrible time getting them to cut. Has anyone on the board bought a Chinese made Lazer this year and had problems with it cutting?

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 2946

    I dont know of anyone who has had any problems with new lazers cutting this year. I dont really care where they are made if they arent made here.. as long as they are still quality and made to specs.

    Kind of like those ford, chevy, toyota, or Mercedes debate.. seems like all those vehicles are assembled one place, while all the parts are made in mexico or some other 3rd world(inexpensive) country.

    My chevy was maufactured here.. I wonder how many *american made* parts are involved with building my truck?

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