Up North Girls Embrace Cold and scoff at ma nature

  • arklite881south
    Posts: 5660

    OK here’s the story. Last Winter my buddy (Mooneye)convinced me to pull the wheel house to another lake to chase some panfish for the weekend. I was a little reluctant as it was forecasted to touch record lows!! We got ourselves dropped down and nearly froze to death as windchill values hit a chilly 58 below zero. We would shovel three scoops of snow and run into the house… We thought we were pretty dang tough braving this weather to chase some fish….And the pressure was very minimal!!!

    Then My buddies wife calls and says she,The “Fishing Queen” and the Mayor were in their bikinis sipping margaritas outside!! Of course ole “Mooneye” and “Rainydaze” were definately wondering what the heck we were doing fishing!! LOL!! Hey somebody has to put some meat on the table!! The girls were featured on CNN and the Weather Channel for their act of bravery!! After I saw that I knew the Queen and I were destined for each other!!

    Left to right; Are our Bestest friends Shawn (the Mayor of Ifalls), our Good Friend Sandy (Mooneyes wife) and of Course the soon to be Mrs. Rainydaze you know her as the(Fishing Queen) Our good (LUCKY) friend Rick is in the back!! thinking “I sure hope Mooneye and Rainydaze keep fishing!!

    Soooo…. if any of your wives wonder what the GIRLS do up north!! Well don’t sell yourselves short guys!! There is still hope you can convince them to move to the border!! If they aren’t fishing they might just be celebrating Mardi-Gras IFALLS STYLE!! Where everyday is Christmas, and 38 below zero finds Ifalls women in bikinis!! Fishing Queens toes get cold so she wears Cowgirl boots!!

    Fishin Guru
    Posts: 78

    LOL nice….that guy in the back sure thinks he’s something else…wonder what he was thinking?

    SE MN
    Posts: 178

    LOL….Next time we book a trip, I want to book with the Queen and friends

    Posts: 9

    Frostbite Falls!!!! Was the pool open????

    Ferlin Cobb
    minneapolis, mn
    Posts: 134

    This is the best photo I’ve seen on IDO.

    Posts: 2

    I.Falls MN – Four Seasons of Fabulous! C’mon Up and Drop a Line…or Grab a Frosty Margarita! The Fun never Ends!!

    Mrs. Mooneye

    Rainy Lake, MN
    Posts: 394

    And with that our reputation for big fish and small crowds will be forever changed to …………… no, not going there.

    Posts: 97

    First Credit must be given to “Montucky” for coming up with “moon Eye” He tends to get a little chapped when credit is not given.
    2nd No more nonsense about being computer illiterate RD that is the best photo shop Job I have seen in a long time.

    Posts: 97

    Oh and Rick’s User name on IDO is Cousin Pervy?? Right

    Posts: 42

    TY TY

    ALL hail OL MOONEYE!!

    *best river guide…ever??

    RD+ OL Mooneye = Lights OUT!!! (as RD puts it)

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