Monday Morning Guide Line W/RDGS

  • arklite881south
    Posts: 5660

    It’s no secret I like to work jigs for big Walleyes. Have you ever wondered why you can sit shoulder to shoulder with a fisherman and they simply hand it to you all day long?? Are they really that lucky?? I doubt it. Let’s detail a critical detail when slinging jigs. First of all I believe the versatility of a jig allows anglers of all skill-sets to accomplish many things with one simple piece of tackle. I’ll take a pocket full of jigs versus ANY other piece of fish catching tackle any day of the week. Some fisherman are far to narrow minded when someone references “Jig Fishing”. I think anglers envision simply vertical lifting or cast and retrieve methods. There are critical details that if taken the time to completely understand will greatly enhance your personal efficiency and catch rates.

    Keeping this short and sweet I’d like to talk about something I refer to as an “Over-Under”. We deal with this on a weekly basis here on Rainy lake. Many of you will understand the concept, but possibly not realize when your dealing with it. There are several situations where an angler isn’t vertical with a presentation. A simple cast behind the boat demands a fisherman be more conscious of tight line and soft pick ups. Riggers often have more room for error as the fish will hold the bait or swallow it. Still with a jig the fish will often feel the extra weight and not hold it very long. Where this game becomes increasingly complicates is with big wind or natural current. Does this mean you can’t catch those fish on jigs?

    When the wind howls I like to keep the best pod of fish under or directly behind the boat. We’ve discussed the value of I-Pilot in this situation previously. If your target fish are in front or to the sides of your positioning you will have very minimal success staying in the kitchen of those fish very long. Now when casting directly with the wind and working a presentation back anglers will deal with the “Over-Under” in reference. Basically your line is being blown down wind of the jig’s location. As you work the jig back you have to be extremely in tune with the subtle ticks and taps of a jig clicking off rocks or being sucked up by a Walleye. When you detect the pick up you need to not only slam a barb in that fish far behind the boat, but also make up the backwards bow in my line due to this over under. A normal hookset will often result is a day full of practice swings. This is a situation we as anglers need to recognize and adjust a hookset to deliver the POINT to the fish. In this scenario upon detecting a bite you will see the captain get VERY aggressive in the hookset. Put your helmet on because this is full contact!! REELING fast while delivering a ripping hookset. I’ve been known to literally come off the back platform of the Skeeter and darn near run that set out!! This is NOT the time for the ALICE hooksets. YOU KNOW WHAT I’M TALKING ABOUT……THE..I Think…..I think……Hmmmmmmmn…..I think…………YEP YOU MISSED IT!!

    This type of set is crucial in certain scenario’s. Current can also present anglers with the same situation.

    I also believe it is simply ESSENTIAL to use braid in this type of bite. Mono simply has far far too much stretch. Check your “MONO CRUSH” at the dock. Not only will you not be able to deliver a brain barbing set, but you likely will never know you even had a bite. This is where I’ll here “Boy they are really really biting LIGHT”. Nope they crushed your bait, by you have so much strech and loop you amazingly enough STILL felt it. I’m using the Suffix 832 in 10lb test with a 10lb Fluoro lead. I also will highly recommend jig fisherman consider a premium graphite rod for this delicate bite. I am using the Loomis NRX 6’10 Mag Medium and you would likey have to pry it out of my hands.

    We’ll cover jigging techniques and certain triggers in coming weeks, but the next time your faced with wind or current don’t forget the “Over-Under”. If you understand what is happening you will definately catch more fish!!

    Chris Granrud-RDGS

    St. Croix River
    Posts: 940

    Great read Chris! Im really looking forward to delivering a bunch of those “brain barbing” hooksets with you in a few weeks

    Posts: 5660


    Great read Chris! Im really looking forward to delivering a bunch of those “brain barbing” hooksets with you in a few weeks

    Thanks Mark!! Look forward to it buddy!!

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