Snack on the ice

  • EchoHotel
    Eastern Iowa
    Posts: 23

    Was on Pool 9 Monday checking the ice conditions. found these leftovers. Have seen river otters in this area before, so I’m guessing its them. Pretty big fish judging by the gill covers….buffalo???

    otsego, mn
    Posts: 121

    Looks like the otter enjoyed a can of Dr. Pepper with his fish.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25025


    Looks like the otter enjoyed a can of Dr. Pepper with his fish.

    Diet too! Fish and diet pop, no wonder otters have such nice figures.

    Eastern Iowa
    Posts: 23

    My bad……Note to self always carry a ruler for scale.
    Nothing gets past this bunch.

    Posts: 1137

    Any tracks around it ? could have been a eagle ?

    Eastern Iowa
    Posts: 23

    Here’s the hole in the ice leading to the bones at the
    top of the pic. There was a trace of blood around the hole.
    Something caught the fish and dragged it out….after it
    was out I suppose it could have been fair game for whatever.
    Will a mink catch a fish this big?

    Posts: 1960

    Doubt if an otter would have left that big of a leftover piece. They’ll usually eat the head, from what I have seen.


    west central Minnesotsa
    Posts: 921


    Doubt if an otter would have left that big of a leftover piece. They’ll usually eat the head, from what I have seen.

    That’s my understanding too. Otters usually eat everything. They start at the head and eat their way south. No left overs.

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