Fishing at Prarie Due Chein

  • walleye2eye
    Britt, Iowa
    Posts: 22

    Heading up to Prarie this Saturday and was wondering what the bite has been like. Hollar back and let me know. Thanks.

    kirk moe
    Posts: 137

    Dave the tourneys not for a month relax!!!
    I just got back from Genoa and they are on at the dam.

    Britt, Iowa
    Posts: 22

    When a guy has the itch, he has the itch Basicly, the freezer is running on empty, and I am hungary. I have been to Redwing twice allready, and want to try Prarie also. Clear Lake on Sunday!

    kirk moe
    Posts: 137

    I might see ya on C.L.

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