Knife river

  • fishahollik
    South Range, WI
    Posts: 1776

    I am hoping the wind stays light so I can get out there this weekend for a few more lakers and salmon before the laker season ends. Gonna head out of Knife river.

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11297

    Sounds good…

    I have never been out there before, and I am really interested in making a trip. Where are some of the better places to go out of? I’m willing to drive up the shore if theres better fishing that way. Not too sure if I’m going to get up there this year but for sure next year. I would even consider a trip during some of the colder months for some salmon. And what are the best methods without using riggers?

    I so glad to see this forum added. I would also like to see a forum added for the arrowhead region.

    South Range, WI
    Posts: 1776

    Ever troll three ways? Well, they have a method up here the call “pounders”. Its basically a three way rig using a really stout rod and 1lb round ball weights to troll spoons deep. Line counter reels help with this set-up. One can troll dipsy’s too but the pounder method can get you alot deeper.

    This is my first year at this kinda fishing so I am not the guy to ask for too much butI’ll share what I have learned so far. I am told this time of year and spring that the mouth of the rivers are good places to go.

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