Thurs. night

  • Anonymous

    Fished the NW corner just down shore from St. Albans Bay from 6pm til just before 10 pm. Boated 30-35 walleyes. Hooked the 1st fish 22″ about 6:30 pm., but guys coming in at that time said the fish had been hitting all day. Early evening rigging/jigging put more fish in the boat–big fatheads or large to jumbo leeches on any hook or jig–that didn’t seem to matter neither did snell length– a one foot snell on the sand got clobbered. Later in the evening the lighted bobbers were going down consistently–using 1/8 oz. northland super-glow yellow jig (red/black eye)–wind picked up—the reason for the heavier jig–otherwise 1/32 oz. was plenty during calmer waters.. Was working a sand/rock break on northwest side with a North east wind kicking up some good 2 maybe 3 footers. Started in 12′ and worked up into 9-10′ at dark and fish continued to hit up until 9:50 pm. Then headed in to make it off the water by 10 pm. Tale of the tape—(7) slots–(2) 16 1/2″ they went back in–no tail clipping means no tickets for me! (2) 25″ 2 (24″) numerous 22-23 inchers and biggest measured 26 1/4 inches for a total between 30-35 fish plus a pike and a couple pout (Shallow for pout isn’t it???). Any whew–it was a blast. In four days of fishing 10 out of 80 were in the slot. Only one under the slot (12″) the rest were just to damn fun…..I meant big. Fish on!!!!


    Wow…. I want to go. What fun!



    Hey, 10 of 80 were slot fish – consider yourself lucky in that department. 8 of 130 (over 4 1/2 days) have been slotfish in my boat so far.

    I agree – regardless of what can and can’t be kept – it is just too much fun to miss.


    Saturday evening the girlfriend and I fished from 5pm-7:30pm and put 6 fish in the well of 13. Sunday we had only 2 in the slot, but what a day for the biguns. I will have some pictures soon. So for the year its 11 slots for 58 fish. And more fun than should be legal.

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