Red Eyes

  • putz
    Cottage Grove, Minn
    Posts: 1551

    Nasty weather tonight so I was just checking the fishing regulations book and find that the state record rock bass is 2.0 lbs. My buddies and I have often said we will catch the record out of Leech and have thrown back some that were close to that. Ever thought about going for that record? I’ve found some nice ones on Annex.

    Must be the slow time for us lake fishermen with subjects like this.

    By the way, I see Steve and Bunny have 4 lots for sale on Sugar Point. Must want to cash some of the land out. Any thoughts?

    Leech Lake area (God's Country)
    Posts: 51

    I did not know that the state record was only 2# for those red eyes. I’m not sure but I’m almost certian I have caught some that were 2# plus out of Leech. Your right, the annex is a great place to catch those red eyes as well as Mokey Reef. Those big rock bass do put up a pretty good fight, and believe it or not taste pretty good as well!! I tried eating them out of leech for the first time last summer and was impresed with the flavor and texture. A friend of mine told me that if you can catch them out of a hard bottom area that they taste good and are not mushy. I remember eating them when I was a kid and they were all mushy and did not taste well, but those were always caught in mucky bottom. If you have never tried rock bass before that you have caught off of the annex I would recomend it. Rock bass are in the sunfish family and if caught in hard bottom situations have the same firm meat texture that there cousins have.

    I was not aware that Sugar Point Resort was starting to sell off some land. This is to bad and I hate to see this, as they are the only resort left on the whole east shore. But with the price and limited avability of land on Leech I have a feeling this is going to happen more and more. I hate to see this as Leech is definetly one of the premier fishing lakes left in this state and the destruction and develpoment of shoreline is the number one reason for depetion of fish in any body of water.

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