Lawrance emulators

  • james
    Ankeny Iowa
    Posts: 290

    Was wondering if anyone else here has been playing with the new emulators that Lawrance has on there web site and what you thought about them. I think they are great myself. Lets me see what happens when I change settings on my depth finder right here on the putter. Will instal these new settings when I get back on the water. Lets you play with new ones before you buy it if you are thinking about buying one. Just courious. Jim

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 145

    Just have to agree with what you found James. I learned what I needed and used the GPS version before deciding to purchase a LCX 15CI last year. It is also good for a refresher once in a while when a question comes up.

    Cedar Falls, Iowa
    Posts: 309

    Are these things like a tutorial? That would be a good service since, I’ve never really figured out what a “rock” bottom looks like compared to a soft bottom. Is that something they’ll show you on these things?

    Ankeny Iowa
    Posts: 290

    Yes they seem to be. Works just like the one in the boat. In fact depending on what you have you can download your very own unit. You can see how things change when you change the grayline setting , then the sensitivy, Take your time and just play with it and you will be suprised . Make sure you down the one you have or are going to get. Have fun and if you need help you know where to ask any question. HERE. Someone will help maybe even me if I can. Jim

    Cedar Falls, Iowa
    Posts: 309

    Thanks James. My unit is an Eagle, but surprisingly it works just like a Lowrance, just came in a different box with a different nameplate.

    Ankeny Iowa
    Posts: 290

    Eagle or Lowrance — almost the same–Hope they have the one you need. Have fun– Jim

    Grimes, Iowa
    Posts: 170

    Lowrance and Eagle are the same company.

    Ankeny Iowa
    Posts: 290

    Yes I know. Jim

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