Anyone interested in ice fishing 12/20 or 21?

  • Gianni
    Cedar Rapids, IA
    Posts: 2063

    Kind of late, but since we’re done deer hunting I got permission from the li’l gal to fish one afternoon this weekend. Could do it Saturday morning also, but I didn’t really want to be heading out in the dark when I don’t know what the ice is like.

    I was thinking Central City, MacBride, or maybe even one of the Cedar River backwaters (if anyone knows how or where to fish on the Cedar in winter, that would certainly be a learning experience for me).

    Brian Lyons
    Posts: 894

    Hi John;
    I’d love to get out with ya some time,but I’m working this weekend Good luck,and let us know how you do

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    Posts: 2063

    I said something about it on the way home from school tonight and my daughter practically bounced out of the truck asking if she could go with, so it looks like I found my second (and my ice-tester as well; no, a little further, a little further… splash!)

    Not sure where we’re going just yet. Probably hit Palo or maybe Central City. I guess if we go to CC we can sled if the fishing is slow.

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    Posts: 2063

    Hit Central City Saturday morning but not too early. Probably got there around 8:00 or so. Fishing was dead as can be. There were two young fellas there when we arrived, they were just walking around with the vex and an auger and looking for something other than 3″ of ice covering 3′ of water over a mud bottom. I don’t think they had much luck. Two older gents showed up while we were fishing. Anyhow, we fished around in front of the parking lot and in front of the concession building there. No luck. Finally decided about 10 to drive over to Palo and check it out.

    Palo had a good 3-4″ of ice near the handicapped pier, with the whole lake at least skimmed over. A couple of shacks, one East of the beach, one by the pavilion on the South end, and ours right over the trees on the end of the handicapped pier. Lost a couple of jigs to the tree, including “old faithful” – the jig I’ve spent 90% of my ice time fishing with (and the most consistent producer as well), but before I broke it off, this little fella decided to give it a go. It was the only fish of the day, but it was a beautiful day and we didn’t get skunked.

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