Who’s on First?

  • Gianni
    Cedar Rapids, IA
    Posts: 2063

    Allright guys, Iowa lakes is suspiciously quiet lately.

    Who’s got the line on the crappie bite? Gills?

    Where’s the first ice trip gonna be for everyone here?

    Des Moines, Iowa
    Posts: 83

    Ice is for your drink . . . . I’m headed to Bull Shoals!!!

    NW Ia
    Posts: 1548

    John,my first trip is usually up to Spirit for perch.If not there it wil be farm ponds for gills first ice.
    Ryan Hale

    Cedar Rapids, Ia
    Posts: 130

    Hey Ryan,I spent about 10 years in Spencer so did alot of perch fishing on spirit and Okoboji. Always come back for our family perch outting in late Sept. ever year. Its been many,many years since I’ve done any ice fishing for perch but would like to spend a week up there this year. Can you keep us informed on the ice and the bite? Also what week in Jan or Feb would be best to come? Any info is always appriciated.
    Thanks, Wahly

    Grimes, Iowa
    Posts: 170

    I was on Big Creek last Wednesday and had to break a little ice to fish my spots. My father was here from California and wanted to catch some crappies. We fished the Lost Lake area and ended up with 10 nice slabs. The fish were in 20 ft of water and suspended at about 10-12 ft. Most of the fish were caught on jigs with a couple coming from minnows on floats. We were the only ones on the lake (other than duck hunters). I guess my next outing on Big Creek will be the hard water variety.

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